Draco x Harry ~ Truth Or Dare?

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A/N: this is going to be happy! Yay!


The three pairs of eyes shone in the dark, glimmering with mischief as they tracked towards the room of requirements. Their feet only covered by socks, all three of wearing pajamas.

"We are so dead if we get caught." Hermione giggled quietly.

"How else are we supposed to hang out with all this Voldemort bullshit?" Harry questions. They shrug and enter the room, a large fireplace against the red wall, the blue flames crackling.

They all sat down on the large golden couch by the fire.

"So, when are the others going to get here?" Ron questions.

"No idea." Harry laughed, the sound bouncing off the walls and echoing ever so slightly, the sound full of life.

"Wow, couldn't have made it any less red?" A familiar voice sniggered as the trio saw Pansy, Blaise and Draco enter the room. Draco's hair hanging loosely in his face.

"We weren't going to sit in a green room like last time." Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Better than blue." Luna said, walking in happily with Neville, which made no sense since Luna was a Ravenclaw and Neville was a Gryffindor.

"That should be everyone. No one invited Ginny, right?" Harry questions.

"No!" They all exclaimed.

"Good." Harry sighed as they all say in a circle.

"It's been a month since we last met up, let us remember why we are friends and enemies." Pansy giggled.

"Ron, you go first." Hermione said.

"Neville, truth or dare?" Ron questions.

"Truth." Neville said, running his hand through his messy blond/ brown hair.

"Have you ever kissed a girl? A guy? If so, who?" Ron asks with a large smirk on his face. Neville's ears turned pink.

"I kissed a girl and a guy before. The girl Luna, and the guy was some muggle I met at a party." Neville blushed furiously. The group giggled.

"My turn! Harry, truth or dare?" Pansy asks.

"Dare!" Harry said proudly. Pansy smirked.

"I dare you to snog the hottest person in the room, on the lips, using tongue, for three minutes. It can be either gender. Preferably male." Pansy smirked. Harry rolled his eyes and survived his options. No way in hell he was kissing Ron, Hermione, Neville or Luna, they were like family. He would kiss Pansy, he didn't like her. Cross Blaise of the list too, he barely knew the dude. Besides, Draco looked hot.

"Life is short and you are hot." Harry joked as he grabbed Draco's shirt and pressed his lips to his, Draco hesitantly kissing back as their stomachs seemed to erupt with bubbles and fireworks, their lips burning like a dragons flame. Their lips parted as their tongues battled. Draco was starting to get into the kiss.

"And time." Pansy said, giggling her little ass off. The two pulled apart.

"Gah! My eyes! I need to wash them out with bleach!" Ron laughed.

"The fact you consider Draco the hottest in the room is hilarious." Hermione said.

"Luna, your turn." Neville said.

"Draco, truth or dare?" Luna asked with a toothy grin.

"Truth." Draco shrugged.

"Do you have feelings for anyone?" Luna asked, wanting to know if she could nudge two of her friends in the right direction.

"Yeah." Draco shrugged as if it were nothing.

"Does little Draco have a crush?" Pansy laughed as she elbowed Draco slightly, well, more like pushing him, causing him to fall into Harry.

"Seriously?" Harry laughed, wrapping his arms around Draco and locking his hands together on Draco's lower back.

"You don't seem to mind." Hermione smiled. Blaise rolled his eyes and spoke up for the first time that night.

"Just kiss each other and say you love each other before I go insane." Blaise snapped.

"And he speaks! Let's go guys, I think those two need privacy." Ron winked as they all started to leave. Neville trying to work up the urge to grab Luna's hand, Blaise wrapping his arm around Pansy's shoulder. Ron having his arm around Hermione's waist, letting it rest on her side. They all walked out, leaving Harry and Draco, still staring into each other's eyes. When the friends left, Draco finally spoke.

"I love your eyes." Draco smiled.

"I love your eyes. A metallic and piercing silver. Well, when you're aroused or flirty. When you are confused or committed, your eyes are a piercing mercury. Every other time, they are a wonderful cold grey." Harry said, lifting his head up to make his lips meet Draco's, the lingering taste of mint and chocolate left there. Harry pulled away smiling.

"What?" Draco questions, not knowing why Harry was smiling like a doofus, and wanting to taste his lips again, the taste similar to cherry and peppermint.

"You ate chocolate before bed didn't you?" He asked, sitting up, pulling Draco with him.

"So what if I did?" Draco questions mischievously.

"Let me show you." Harry brought their lips back together, Harry teasing Draco ever so slightly when he hovered his lips over Draco's, then kissing him passionately. Draco brought his hands to Harry's face to try and deepen the kiss. When their lips parted, the battle for dominance began, Harry winning by a landslide.

Harry's hands started to trail downwards, fingers scaring at Draco's skin, causing Draco to moan a bit. Harry gripped the bottom of Draco's shirt and separated from Draco as he yanked the shirt off, his lips not returning to meet Draco's, but to meet the soft skin of Draco's neck. Draco tried to hold back a moan as Harry's lips met the most sensitive spots on his neck, leaving him a vulnerable, horny, hot, gay mess.

Harry's lips met Draco's collar bone as he nibbled at the warm skin, leaving little love bites. He pushed Draco on the ground and interlaced their hands, holding them besides Draco's head.

"I want all of you tonight." Harry smiled as he brought his lips back to Draco's.

"Then you can have it." Draco whispered against Harry's lips, the night ending on the couch, where they made sweet love.


A/N: this was originally going to be a sad one shot about friendship. It somehow turned into this.

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