Percy x Oliver ~ Fire Kisses

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A/N: this is probably my new favorite ship in the Harry Potter Universe, next to Drarry of course, because it's so flipping adorable. This idea was given by @Ignatiuspercy

As always, I change it up a bit to be more natural. Hope you all enjoy!


Harry and Oliver walked off the field.

"So Harry, never be afraid to talk to me if something happens. This is a pretty big change to get used to." Oliver grinned.

"It is pretty big. Everything's new." The pair went to head to the great hall for dinner. Everything was fine, and Percy left early to do his homework.

"That brother of ours is always studying. At this rate he'll be a prefect next year." Fred joked.

"Is that a bad thing?" Harry asked.

"No. Fred and George are just idiotic and immature enough to find it stupid." Hermione said sourly.

"There's a lot of responsibility and perks that go with being a prefect." Oliver commented from slightly down the table.

"There is?" Harry asked.

"Of course. If anyone in our house deserves to be prefect it's Percy." Oliver smiled.

"You're biased." Ron snorted.

"Big words Ron!" Hermione joked with a smile.

"How is he biased?" Harry questioned.

"He and Percy have been dating since last year." George informed. Harry was a bit shocked.

"Another new thing. I don't really know how to react honestly." Harry shrugged.

"It's uncommon for the same sex to get together, especially in the wizarding world, but it's not like anyone's got anything against it." Ron chuckled.  Harry smiled and everyone ate their dinner. Soon enough it was time for everyone to head back to the dorms. When they all walked in, they scattered. Both Harry and Oliver stayed in the coming room. Harry because he lost Eon, Oliver because he noticed Percy tiredly looking over homework on the couch. Oliver was a bit drained himself from Quidditch practice earlier, showing Harry the ropes.

"Hey there Percy." Oliver walked over, forgetting Harry was there.

"I'm not in the mod to talk right now." Percy groaned. Oliver went around and sat next to him.

"You need to relax. You have another day for this assignment, do it tomorrow. Don't wear yourself out," Oliver suggested.

"You're right, I probably should. You look exhausted yourself." Percy noticed.

"It's a tiring day." Percy leaned into Oliver and Oliver wrapped his arms around Percy.

"Guess so. Don't you have homework too?" Percy joked tiredly.

"Yeah, but I'll get it done later." He pressed a kiss to the top of Percy's head. Harry, who was still in the room blushed at the interaction.

'Why am I thinking of Malfoy seeing those two? I'm not gay!'

He was hella gay

Harry left as quietly as possible and went to his dorm, leaving the couple to themselves.

"You say that all the time. The captain of the Quidditch team should be a bit more responsible." Percy grinned.

"Maybe. The fires warm tonight." Oliver changed the subject.

"It is. But don't think that will make me forget you didn't do your homework." The pair laughed a bit.

"I love you Percy." Oliver smiled.

"I love you too, you giant oaf." Percy chuckled and kissed Oliver's cheek. Oliver returned the kiss with an actual kiss on the lips, pulling Percy to himself more than Percy already was. "I'm tired, I don't want to be turned on." Percy groaned.

"I know I know," Oliver brushed a few stray hairs for Percy's face. "Let's lay here for a bit." The pair laid down in the couch and snuggled up.

"Think you'll win this year?" Percy questioned.

"I hope, but there's something telling me we won't." Oliver admitted truthfully.

"What makes you say that?" Percy hummed.

"I don't know. I feel like one of the teachers isn't who they say they are and it's unsettling." Oliver commented.

"Well, I guess time will tell. We should head to bed soon anyways." Percy said softly.

"Yeah. I wanna cuddle some more though." The couple snuggled some more against each other, eyes closed in content.

"We really should head to bed." Percy sighed softly. Oliver's eyes fluttered open to look at Percy, taking in every aspect of him. He smiled and softly kissed him.

"I guess we should." He rasped. The pair reluctantly got off the couch and tiredly headed back to their dorms, holding hands all the way upstairs.


A/N: a bit of a shorter one shot. But I still hope you guys loved it!

Anyways, I'm doing a poll soon and you'll see t this week as well...

Before I do the poll, which of my one shot chapters would you like to see me turn into a full on fan fiction?

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