Draco x Harry - Second Floor, First Room On Your Right

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A/N: this chapter may be more mature, but not by that much. Merlin, I don't think I'd be comfortable writing anything too mature.


Harry knocked on the door at the Malfoy manor. It was only a year after the war and he was visiting Draco. They had been together for some time and visited each other often. But Harry had never visited the manor except the one time he was dragged here during the war and Draco lied about recognizing him.

Harry was 18 now and his raven hair was recently cut and a slight stubble was present in his face. He was well built and his emerald eyes glimmered. Draco's mother, Narcissa opened the door.

"Hello Harry dear, I was just heading out. Draco is on the second floor, first room on your right." Narcissa walked past him. That's what Harry liked about her. She accepted Draco and Harry right away. Harry entered the manor and went upstairs to the first door on his right. He knocked three times and Draco opened the door.

Draco had recently got his hair cut as well and his hair was no longer gelled back. He had slight bags under his eyes from lack of sleep, and Harry noticed. His silver eyes were tired and happy. Draco smiled at Harry and let him in his room. One look at it and you can see it scream Gryffindor pride.

"Hello Harry." Draco chirped cheerfully.

"Have you've been getting sleep? There are bags under your eyes." Harry said, not even bothering with a simple hello.

"So I don't get a hello?" Draco questions.

"Draco..." Harry trailed.

"Fine, I haven't been getting sleep. I keep having nightmares of him." Draco said. Harry knew he was referring to lord Voldemort. Voldemort had threatened Draco to take the dark mark. It had faded a bit and will eventually fade all together in a few years.

"Draco, he's gone. He can't hurt you." Harry said,pulling Draco into his arms. Draco was only a bit taller than Harry, making it hard for Harry to rest his head on top of Draco's.

"I know, I can't stop the nightmares though." Draco responded. Harry sighed.

"I know. But I'm here Draco. Nothing can harm you while I'm here." Harry said.

"Will you stay the night then?" Draco asks softly.

"Of course Draco." Harry responded. Harry softly kisses his boyfriend on his lips. Draco kissed back, passionately. Draco's fingers tangled in Harry's hair. The kiss got more and more heated as they both kept breaking apart to gasp for breath and then go back to kissing. Their tongues battled for dominance and Harry had won. He explored every inch of Draco's mouth and noted he tasted like mint. He must have brushed his teeth before he came here. They had gotten up and Harry pushed Draco on the bed.

Harry climbed on top of Draco, kissing him once again, before unbuttoning every button on his boyfriend's green button down. When the shirt had been discarded and tossed halfway across the room, Harry smirked at his shirtless boyfriend who had a six pack. Draco pulled off Harry's plain red shirt and threw it across the room.

"Merlin your sexy." Draco moaned. Harry's smirk got bigger as he continued to strip his boyfriend of his clothes. What happened next can only be left to imagination.


A/N: That was so damn awkward to write. Hope you enjoy it.

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