Detention w/ Dumbledore ~ Two Truths One Lie (ft. Perciver)

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A/N: Bringing this back! It's been a little bit since I wrote one! The next one shot will be one too because this one isn't really 100% punishment, embarrassment wise, it's more a getting to know each other thing.


"This is moronic. All I did was call her a mudblood." Pansy remarked.

"We've been over this Pansy, we don't use that anymore." Draco reminded, shying away from Harry.

"Or really, didn't you scream it at her Malfoy?" Harry remarked.

"Slip of the tongue." Draco defended.

"It's always a slip of the tongue for you." Hermione snapped. The four were bickering when two people walked in. The four silenced and snapped their heads up, seeing graduated students Percy Weasley and Oliver Wood.

"To think he had to call us here to monitor em." Oliver finished whatever he was talking about as soon as he saw us.

"Harry, Hermione." Percy smiled.

"Why are you two here?" Harry questioned.

"Well, Dumbledore noticed you four's situation and felt like we'd be able to help you understand everything best. I can't go too far into detail though." Oliver informed.

"Okay...." Hermione glanced at Draco and Pansy then at Harry, then finally looking at Oliver and Percy, wondering what Dumbledore saw that the four couldn't themselves.

"So, were running your detention and since the two of us were in a similar situation, just slightly different circumstances, we're playing a game of sorts." Percy informed.

"A game. It's called two truths one lie. You say a lie about yourself and two truth. Everyone guesses and we'll, there's a punishment of sorts at the end if you can't guess correctly." Oliver added.

"Punishment? Isn't this punishment enough?" Pansy complained.

"Pansy, kindly shut up so we don't get more detention." Draco snapped, shocking the room. They looked over at him and he was rubbing his temples, frustrated.

"Let's just start by giving you an example," Percy suggested, "I work for the ministry, I'm single, and I look up to Bill and Charlie."

"Aren't those all truths?" Hermione questioned.

"You know, besides me and your family, no one knows you two are dating." Harry commented.

"What? A man and a man?" Pansy scoffed. Draco sent a glare over, moving farther away from Harry.

"Dumbledore's gay you know, so are a few other people in this school, like they'd come out. I mean, You two should know about Ginny and Luna." Oliver mentioned.

"Yeah, adorable pair. Absolutely adorable." Harry smiled.

"Hold up, I thought you were into weaslette?" Draco prodded.

"Not really." Harry shrugged.

"Anyways, Harry, start us off." Oliver semi-ordered. Harry thought for a second.

"Okay then. I witness my godfather being killed, I was supposed to be in Slytherin, my remaining family treated me well after they found out my mom died." Harry didn't hold back, he went full out.

"The first one? Wasn't that godfather of yours sirus black?" Pansy guessed.

"I have a hard time believing you could be in Slytherin Harry." Hermione guessed.

"Last one. You've mentioned it before and who can forget the terrible gifts they send you for Christmas?" Draco mentioned softly.

"The verdict?" Oliver raised a brow.

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