Neville x Luna ~ Right After The Battle

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Everyone say in the great hall. Rubble from the castle scattered all over. Neville sat with the sword of Gryffindor in his hands. He finally avenged his parents. He let out a sigh. He knew everything was going to be different after this. All he wanted was to be with the girl who was beautiful and crazy at the same time. Neville saw Harry Potter with the remaining members of the Weasley family and Hermonie. Someone sat next to Neville. He turned and saw Luna smiling at him.

"I thought all the years besides seventh years evacuated the school." Neville said.

"My mother would have wanted me here." Luna said. Neville smiled at Luna.

"I don't care what people say, your smart, not crazy." Neville told her.

"I though I was looney?" She said.

"You're not. You just happen to see things others can't. That makes you special, not looney." Neville said. Luna smiled and kissed his cheek. Neville turned redder than the scarlet that stained his clothes.

"You're really kind Neville. Why don't you have a girlfriend?" Neville laughed and one thing was clear, the battle may have broken many people, including Neville himself, but you can always try your best to be happy. Neville made a choice and leaned in to kiss Luna.


A/N: I'm really mad they didn't last long. They were the perfect couple!!!!! Oh well. Hope you all liked it! And sorry it's really short.

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