Good Vs. Evil

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A/N: this will be told from my point of view. Well, all the stories are basically from my point of view. It's from my mind, so my perspective of the world, enjoy. Well, before you enjoy, I am going to make myself seem like an angel or something like that. In case you were wondering, this is just a one shot. Might mention Harry Potter. Wait, definitely mentioning Harry Potter.


Maybe the world isn't ready. With this shit I deal with everyday, I u sweat and why. All this magic in the air, all the spirits. I understand. Maybe the world isn't ready.

The original birth of the earth. I was there. I saw the world began in burst of fire. Lava raged for a millennium. There was nothing. For so long, there was nothing. Nothing. I created the magic, I created all things beautiful. I created humans. But, with all good, there comes evil. My brother, he created the dark, death, evil.

Good vs. Evil. Yeah, we exist. There is no God. There is just us. We created everything you know. All those ghost stories that made you afraid, my brother created those. All those Fairytales, I created those. It seems crazy, I know. What's crazier is the idea of the either of us falling in love.

We disguise ourselves as children. We get born into the world, seeking new ideas. My brother was all the bad, I was all the good. I was Rosa parks, and he was Hitler. But, the actual humans, God, they keep my head spinning.

My brother created demons, I created angels. He created werewolves, I created mermaids. It's a raging battle. For every good, there must be evil. For every evil, must come good.

But, sometimes, the two of us, don't exactly follow the rules we set. It's quite funny actually, the way I turned fiction into nonfiction. The way I tipped the balance. I'm so stupid. But, at the moment, I was simply careless. I knew he would come. He always took my away from fantasy.

"Savannah? You okay sis?" Draco questions me. I smile falsely. I still somehow convinced everyone to believe I was born to the Malfoy family. I changed the entire story. Mixed it up.

"No. He's coming, and he sure as hell isn't leaving me alone." I laughed dryly. Draco gave me a confused look.

"Who's coming? You've been acting weird lately." Draco said, following me out of the Slytherin dorms.

"Draco, do you believe in good and evil?" I question, walking towards the Gryffindor dorms.

"Well, yeah! We got that son of a bitch Voldemort. If he didn't die all those years ago, I don't know who he would've killed." Draco said.

"Draco. I'm not your sister. This is a false reality. And my real brother is coming to take it all away. My name isn't Savannah. It never was. I have no official name, but I guess you could call me the creator of all good. My brother the creator of all evil. I brought light, he brought dark." I explain, looking at my false brother.

"What?" Draco asked even more confused.

"I created magic Draco. I created light and mermaids and life. I created humans, I remember making you. In this world, from a book. From another reality. I created laughter and joy. I created the stars. My brother brings nothing but bad. He made demons, I made angels. We keep the balance, but I tipped it. I tipped the fucking valence and when he gets here, it's going to be hell." I admitted, feeling the room temperature drop a few degrees.

"Wait, why are we at the Gryffindor dorms?" Draco questions curiously.

"Well, I may have told Harry that something was going to happen. You know, I stopped him from being cursed. I stopped his parents from dying. I stopped him from ever being unhappy. I stopped so many things, trying to make them better, my brother found me. You want to see what would be going on right now if I didn't come?" I question him.

"What would it look like?" Draco demands. I held out my hand, Draco grabbed it, and out bodies glowed. We vanished on the spot and they were thrown in a battlefield. It rained, people were dying. Screams filled our ears. It was horrifying.

"This is what I avoided. I killed Voldemort. Stopped this war from happening." I sigh as I look at the war. I let go of Draco's hand and we zapped back.

"You really are the creator of all good." Draco said.

"She's also in big trouble." A voice growled. The two of us turned to face a guy with dark hair and demonic black eyes. He was devishly handsome. Well, so I'm told. To me, he was just another bad guy.

"Brother." I squeaked. He rolled his eyes, I could tell.

"You know you aren't supposed to tip the balance. It causes disaster because I have to fix it." He said. I was older than him, by over a million years. He didn't suffer the loneliness I did.

"I'm sorry, okay?" I shouted at him.

"Why would you do this? You were always the goody two shoes. You created the rules. No fictional worlds messed with, no falling in love with a mortal, not tipping the balance. I'm following the rules, why aren't you?" My brother questions.

"Destroy it then. Destroy my perfect world. Then I'll explain. Goodbye Draco, I'm sorry." I whispered, my brother grabbing my arm and taking us away, crushing my world. We arrived back home. Yes, we have a home. It's a little cottage. Cozy and small.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" He shouted, his breath stinking of sulfur.

"You weren't there." I say quietly.

"I wasn't where?" He growled at me, I looked him in the eyes.

"I'm the creator of all good. I was there for this earth's birth. I was trapped here. I still am. On this planet. I'm older. I got lonely. I still get that way. I don't want to be alone. You are never here, so I change. I become a bit rebellious. I created every perfect thing. I created peace, you created war. I know it's the balance, but they're suffering." I say, swallowing dryly.

"We'll talk about this later. Get some rest." He said, leaving the room.

For all good, there must be evil. So, make sure that if you meet me, run. Run as fast as you can. I created all good, my brother created all evil. But he isn't the evil one.

I am.


A/N: I was exploring more ideas. Anyways, I'm planning to write a new story. So, yay! It's about two twins. Kinda like these characters I created. No, I'm not one of the twins in Thai new story. If you want to read it, keep an eye out for it.

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