Harry x Hermione ~ Ron Issues

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Harry groans as Hermione goes on and on about Ron. As much as he loved his best mate as a friend, he's a ripe foul git. Hermione could do so much better. Harry actually had a large crush on her, but never asked her out because Ron was interested in her. Shows you how much he cares about his friendship with Ron.

"I can't go within ten feet from him before she shows up and starts snogging him!" Hermione exclaimed.

"Hermione, let it go." Harry mumbled.

"He asked me what was wrong with me!" She exclaimed. Harry glared at the wall. Why did he put up with all this bullshit?

"Hermione, there are other guys." Harry tells her. She ignores him.

"Why is he so oblivious to everything!?" Hermione complains.

"He's not the only one." Harry grumbled.

"I mean, it's not like anyone finds me attractive anyway. I'm hideous!" Hermione exclaimed. Harry had enough.

"Hermione, shut up!" Harry shouted.

"Why should I?" Hermione asked angrily.

"You could do so much better than Ron! He may be my best mate, but he's not for you! And you are not hideous! You're an extremely beautiful and smart girl who managed to get boys to fall for her! God damn it Hermione!" Harry exclaimed.

"You're lying!" Hermione exclaimed.

"I'm not! And I have put up with both you and Ron complaining! I put up with Ron because he's my best mate. I put up with you because I'm in love with you! But I'm not listening anymore!" Harry exclaimed. Hermione blushed and so did Harry.

"You're in love with me?" Hermione asked quietly.

"Yes. I never told you because Ron expressed interest in you and I didn't want things to be awkward. I now realize how stupid that is." Harry said. Hermione looked at Harry before she grabbed his collar and kissed him. Harry was caught by surprise, but kissed back. Let's just say, they didn't notice Ron and Lavender walking into the room.


A/N: I have never shipped this, but, I'll admit it's pretty darn cute.

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