Multi-Ship ~ Body Swap

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A/N: if anyone has seen love stage and it's dj, this chapter is inspired by an official dj.

Super short since I'm studying for exams and it's simply supposed to be a good little chuckle.


"Ahem," Dumbledore called attention, the students in the great hall looking st him, "it seems that a thunderstorm last night has affected many students. If a student was in contact with the other at the time of the storm, the students switched bodies, so since things should go back to normal in two days, classes are canceled until then." The hall let out a mini-cheer, then took notice of missing students.

The first pair walked in, Hermione and Ron. Ron was holding books and Hermione was eating some sweets. They went to the Gryffindor table.

"That was such an obvious thing to happen....." Ginny sighed.

"At least we're in the same house." Hermione shrugged.

"It is so weird seeing you act like yourself in Hermione's body." Ginny muttered. The pair simply shrugged as the next couple entered. Luna came in with Neville at her side. Luna was picking at her skirt and Neville was holding a bunch of books, curiously looking at Luna. Huh. They both sat at the Ravenclaw table.

"Also predictable." Ron hummed.

Dean and Seamus entered, acting almost exactly the same, so no one noticed until they spoke sitting at the Gryffindor table.

"We don't really act different so we?" Dean sighed, having a slight accent.

"That... no, I can kinda see that." Ginny smiled.

"Good to hear." Seamus smiled a bit. The. Came a big shocker. Draco and Harry. The pair were wearing casual clothes, by that. Pajamas since they obviously didn't feel like trying. They gave up. Draco's hair was a bit messy, still looked good there and Harry's hair was combed a bit. Though, the attempt was lost because Harry's hair was still a mess. The only noticeable difference besides that was that Draco was wearing a red shirt and yellow pajama pants and Harry was wearing gray sweater and green sweats. They simply shrugged at each other and walked over to the Gryffindor table.

"Is there a point in explaining?" Draco questioned.

"No really. Let's grab some breakfast and dash." Harry suggest. The two snatched some food and headed out.

"That was....."


"PANSY!!! YOU OWE MY MONEY!!" Hermione shouted across the room. Pansy rolled her eyes.

"This storm couldn't have happened next year?" Pansy mumbled.

"It was a bit unexpected." Blaise commented.

"Really? They're so obvious about it." Pansy informed.

"Really, huh."

As more and more couples seemed to pop from nowhere, switching bodies with each other, the school got to know each other, a lot better.

So, the storm was..... a good things.

Dumbledore says yes, but everyone else seems to disagree. Mostly because Dumbledore won the betting pool.


A/N: short and sweet, short and sweet. Because, you know, because I wnjoy writing what I want! That's what writing should be anyways. Writing what you want, and enjoying it.

Which of my one shots should I do a part 2 to? Leave in the comments

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