Draco x Harry ~ Last Night

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A/N: the previous one shot takes place after this one. So, if you didn't read it yet, read it after this one. Also, since I am an awkward turtle, I will not write the complete story of what happened. My brain can not handle it.


"Where's Hermione?" Harry questions his best friend Ron. Ron shrugs. Hermione walked in, trying to wipe away tears. Her eyes were misty and red.

"Hermione? What happened?" Ron asked. Hermione sniffles. Her lower lip in a pout. It was sixth year right before Christmas break. Ron and Hermione were going to be leaving later today. On a Sunday.

"Malfoy, he called me a worthless mudblood and so many other horrible things." Hermione sobbed.

"He did what?" Ron exclaimed. Harry clenched his fists.

"You guys finish packing, I'll see you when you return. I'm going to go have a talk with Malfoy." Harry said through gritted teeth.

"We'll send you an owl. Beat him to the pulp Harry." Ron said with a slight smile. Harry marched out of the Gryffindor dorms. The halls were empty, void of students. Harry's emerald eyes darkened and if you could only see his face, he was frightening.

Harry reached the end of the hallway and his eyes landed on Draco. Just Draco. His minions weren't around. Harry was ready to pounce, but he took a minute to admire Draco. The way Draco's jeans were tight on him. Harry snapped out of his daze and his anger came back.

"Malfoy! How dare you make Hermione cry?!?" Harry pushed Draco against the wall.

"She's a filthy mudblood. You're just a half blood potter." Draco sneered. They both glared at each other. Well, Harry, couldn't hold back his feelings longer and suddenly kissed Draco. Harry was horrified. He pulled away and released Draco. He put a hand over his mouth.

"Did I just?" Harry started to walk away quickly. Draco was surprised too, but in a good way.

"Potter!" He shouted. He started trying to catch up, but didn't have to walk far. Harry stopped in his tracks. Harry slowly turned to face Draco, his face scarlet.

"What?" Harry asked.

"Do you like me?" Draco asked, hating the way his voice sounded desperate.

"Why do you care?" Harry snapped. Draco sighed. He took a step closer to Harry. How happy he was for the few inches height difference. Harry had to look up to him.

"Maybe because I like you." Draco admitted. Draco took a risk and leant down to kiss Harry. It was quite funny that Harry came looking for Draco to punch him and now, he was kissing him. He wasn't going to complain. Draco pulled away from Harry, blushing.

"I like you too Draco." Harry admitted. Now both boys were blushing.

"Uh, what now?" Draco asks.

"We get to know each other? I don't know." Harry said.

"Well, can we stop by the Slytherin dorms so I can drop off my books?" Draco questions.

"Not a problem." Harry said. The two boys walked through the empty halls.

"I'm surprised you didn't go with the Weasley's for Christmas." Draco said.

"Had some work to arch up on. What about you? You always go home for Christmas." Harry responded.

"Well, my parents decided to visit my aunt. I believe you met her last year. Sorry about your godfather by the way." Draco said softly. Harry glances at Draco.

"I can't bring him back. But he's still here. In my heart. Oh, we're here. Should I wait for you outside?" Harry questions.

"Nah. Come in. All the other Slytherin left a couple hours ago." Draco informed. He faced the portrait. "Salazar Slytherin." He spoke. The portrait swung open.

"You know, I have been in the Slytherin common room once before." Harry said as he took in his surroundings.

"When and how?" Draco asked.

"Second year. Ron thought you opened the chamber of secrets. So we used poly juice potion to disguise ourselves as Crabe and Goyle. You let us in." Harry admitted.

"Would explain the behavior and the memory lapse in Crabe and Goyle." Draco said as they walked up the stairs to the boys dorms. Draco walked in his room.

"Definitely Slytherin pride." Harry laughed. The room screamed Slytherin pride. The room was completely silver and green with Slytherin banners and awards.

"Don't laugh. I wanted to put something else up, but my friends would freak if I put one photo of you up." Draco said.

"Of me? Let me ask you, how long have you liked me?" Harry asked. Draco bit his lip.

"The very day we met. If I'm being honest. And I love you. What about you?" Draco rushed.

"Did you say love? I have loved you since third year. Strangely enough." Harry admitted.

"Harry, can I ask you something?" Draco asked.

"You just did?" Harry replied with a growing smile.

"Can I ask another question?" Draco questions with slight annoyance.

"You just did." Harry said with a now visible smirk.

"Can we kiss again? I feel like we were both nervous the first two times." Draco asked awkwardly. Harry didn't even respond. He pressed his lips on Draco's and their lips tingled. It wasn't fireworks because, let's be real, that's never going to happen. The kiss spread warmth throughout their bodies and a desire they haven't thought of before.

"Hey, I have a crazy idea." Harry gasped as soon as their lips had separated.

"What is it?" Draco asked.

"I'll show you." Harry whispered in Draco's ear. The rest can only be left to imagination.


A/N: That. Was. So. Awkward. To. Write. Leave suggestions on ships and scenarios you want to see me try. I have a feeling some of you may not like Drarry that much.

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