Luna x Ginny ~ Starry Night

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A/N: one again, we have the lovely @Ravenxferret22 to thank for this request and idea. I don't think I'll write for these two often, but I think the idea I was given was incredibly cute.

Look forward to some different ships in the future since you guys keep surprising me, in a good way! Keep it up!

Also, I didn't think I'd ever have to say this, but guys, don't threaten me when I don't do a ship you requested. I have stated why I won't do some and i am human. Writing takes time and effort. So stop. Don't threaten people.


"Apparently he's gay! We've been dating for a year and a half and he's gay! I'm not mad he's gay I'm mad I never figured it out!" Ginny exclaimed, shoveling ice cream in her mouth.

"Ginny, you're so silly. So, does that mean Harry was dating someone else?" Luna questioned as she held a few more tubs of ice cream for Ginny.

"Well, yes and no. While we're we're dating, he was devoted, we even had sex once, but I guess this doesn't turn him on. Don't tell my brother. Draco confessed to Harry and Harry turned around and broke up with me. I mean he was nice about it and I understand, but I need to drown this childhood crush of mine in gallons of sugar filled ice cream." Ginny muttered.

"I'm here for you Ginny. You've always so nice to me." The girl grinned as Ginny continued to stuff her face with Ice cream.

"So you staying over Luna? Stupid question because you're gonna move in soon. I only have one bed so far at this place, we'll have to share." Ginny informed.

"Sure I'll stay over. You're in need of a girl who won't talk nonstop about things that you don't understand." Luna said softly.

"Did... did you just mock Hermione? Anyways, let's turn in."

Ginny woke up in the middle of the night, seeing that the space next to her was empty. She bolted upright and sprang to her feet.

"Luna?" She called, hearing no mummer in return. "Luna?" Ginny searched the house, looking for the blonde haired girl, finally reaching outside. Luna stood there, shaking, sobbing, hugging herself tightly. "Oh my Merlin. Luna!" Ginny bolted over and hugged Luna with as much forced as she could possibly muster. Luna froze for a second, fearful of who held her, but when she caught sight of the Ginger hair, she relaxed and hugged Ginny back. They hugged for what seemed like hours, just taking in each other's warmth.

"Thank you Ginny." Luna sniffled, pulling away and wiping her eyes.

"What's wrong Luna?" Ginny asked softly.

"I haven't slept inside since I was kept in Malfoy's manor. I thought I could handle it, but I can't." Luna quivered.

"We don't have to sleep inside! Here, let me get something for us to lay on and we can sleep outside." Ginny offered kindly, actually kinda happy with the idea.

"I came here to comfort you. What an odd turn of events." Luna smiled softly.

"Wait here." Ginny ran back inside to gather things and Luna looked up at the stars, finding peace in them. Her shoulders slumped in exhaustion, her face moist with tears. She thought she must've looked pretty hideous. The thought never bothered her before, but now, something just made her shiver terribly at the thought of her looks.

"I'm back!" Ginny ran out with her arms full of stuff. She tripped right in front of Luna, everything falling,but Ginny just sat up and laughed a little. "Here, help me set everything up." Luna smiled at Ginny and helped her set up everything. The sheets the pillows, enchanted net to keep bugs away.

"Ginny..." Luna smiled, being able to see the sky, "thank you." Ginny smiled, a flush on her cheeks. Both girls hearts felt in fire, but neither knew the cause.

Months passed and the weather started to turn bitter. Ginny knew better than anyone that they couldn't sleep outside forever. She decided what she must do. She sat at her desk and wrote letters.

Dear Harry/Dean/Ron/mom/Dad/George/Percy/Oliver/Seamus/Neville/Fleur/Charlie/Bill/Draco/Hermione/Everyone,

There are times I'm down, and you all know that better than most. I've found someone I care about more then anything, and they can't sleep unless they feel like they're outside. Can any of you spare time to help a friend out?

From, Ginny

She gave the letters to her owl and sent them off.  She knew the letter were vague, but she trusted her friends and her family more than anything.

In less than a day, they all started arriving, and what they brought, was paint, lots of it. They had their wands too, each of them grinning ear to ear when they arrived.

"So called?" Harry smirked.

"Thank you! All of you!" She exclaimed happily, attempting to get all of them into a group hug.

"Now, if we want to get this done before Luna gets back, you better change so we can get started." Neville suggested.


They worked together, without using magic, to paint the entire house, not just the bedroom, but all the walls. Each person was given a task. Hermione was in charge of directions and enchantments, helping move furniture out of the way and making sure paint didn't go where it shouldn't. Dean, Seamus, Draco, Oliver and Percy painted the base of the wall with black. Harry, Neville, Arthur, George and Neville did the shades, while Ginny, Fleur, Bill, Charlie and Molly did the finer details.

The whole process took hours, paint ended up all over them. In their hair, on their faces, their clothes.... it was an amazing site to behold. When it was done, Hermione did the final touches, putting the furniture back and enchanting the wall, with the help of the other women there, together using their magic to make their painting move. They made the stars twinkle and glow beautifully. The walls and ceiling looked like the night sky.

"You guys are amazing. All of you." As she said that, the front door opened.

"Hey Ginny, I just got back fro-" Luna stopped and looked at the display in front of her. She saw everyone smiles, everyone splattered in paint and Luna teared up, a giant smile on her face. She ran over and hugged Ginny. The tightest hug she could muster. Everyone was smiling Behind Ginny, happily looking at the couple.

"Ginny dear, some of us are going to head home. Glad to have helped you." Molly smiled and a few people left. Neville, Ron, Seamus, Dean, Oliver, Percy, Hermione Harry and Draco stayed.

Luna pulled away. "You did all of this for me?" Luna asked.

"Yeah. Since winter's coming, I knew you'd have a hard time sleeping outside so I thought I'd bring the outside, inside." Ginny joked.

"She's a keeper Luna." Harry winked. Luna just smiled broadly.

"Stop te-" unexpected to Ginny, not to anyone else, Luna kissed Ginny on the lips. Her clothes getting covered it paint, thought it already got covered from the hug.

"I think we can make this gayer." Harry snicker, kissing Draco. Percy saw his chance and kissed Oliver and Seamus and Dean kissed as well.

"To celebrate a job well done." Ron kissed Hermione and Neville stood there, laughing a bit at everyone. He was happy to see the people he grew up with, people who he fought with and alongside, happy.


A/N: this is too flipping adorable! I'm screaming!

If you guys don't see me write your request, try to DM me your idea, it's a lot easier to talk to you than comments. For future reference.

I love you guys and I'll see you, in the next one shot!

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