Draco x Harry ~ The Malfoy Trial And Everything After

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A/N: This may make you a bit sad! Possibly! Don't kill me for this. No smut again. Sorry.


Draco sat on the ground of the cell. His eyes red and puffy from crying, tear tracks stained his cheeks. The battle was over, he was awaiting trial. He felt dirty. He was disgusted with himself. He should've said no to the dark mark and took the consequence of death. He looked at the mark in disgust. It was ugly. The skull near the inner part of his elbow, the snake curling close to his wrist. Draco heard footsteps coming towards his cell. He tried to get rid of the year tacks on his cheeks, but it was hopeless. Draco sighed as the door to the cell opened.

"Time for your trail." Draco pushed off the ground and followed the man. He ran his hand through his blonde hair. When he arrived at the court, he saw his mother and father, waiting for trail as well.

"Draco Malfoy." He flinched at his last name. He walked to the chair for him and sat down.

"Do you know what you are being tried for?" He was asked. He nodded.

"For pledging service to the dark lord." He said.

"Without anyone to testify for you we have enough-" Someone ran in. All eyes turned to the new person. Harry Potter was standing there.

"I came to testify for Draco and Narcissa Malfoy." He said. The court whispered.

"Tell us why we should clear them of their charges.

"Narcissa Malfoy and Draco  Malfoy only took service to the dark lord to protect their family. I may not like the Malfoy family, but it is wrong to throw innocent people in Azkaban. Narcissa Malfoy lied about me dying to Voldemort so I could defeat Voldemort. All that she did was ask if her innocent son was alright. She took service to protect her son and does not bear the mark. Draco Malfoy was brought up to do what his father told him. He was pressured to take the mark or his family would be killed. In the events of what happened on the tower when Dumbledore died, he stated he didn't want to do anything with this. And he was not, the one who killed Dumbledore." Harry said. Draco was confused. Why would the great Harry Potter defend his mother, or, him?

"What about Lucius Malfoy?" Harry was asked.

"The man is nothing but an evil being. He gave a journal to Ginny Weasley in my second year. This was Tom Riddle's diary. It contained the soul of Voldemort and caused her to open the chamber. He then tried to kill me with the killing curse after I made him free his elf, who died in the battle." Harry said.

"Draco Malfoy, do you have anything to add to this?" Draco was asked. Draco knew right away what he would say.

"My father was never under the imperius curse when he aided the dark lord. He forced me to take the mark like him. I can list everything he did to aid the dark lord." Both Harry and Draco listed what Draco's father did. At the end of the hearing, their fate was decided.

"Draco and Narcissa Malfoy are cleared of all charges. Lucius Malfoy shall be sentenced to Azkaban for life."  Draco went to thank Harry, but the boy was already leaving. So, he instead went to his mother.

"Come on Draco, let's go home." Draco's mother said kindly. They left. Harry Potter had went back to the home of the black family. Number twelve Grimlaud place. He had fixed it up and made it to a place he could live. When he entered, he went to his studies. He picked up his quill and wrote to Ginny. In this letter, he explained that he didn't feel the same way. He told her that he was in fact, gay. When Harry went to send the letter, he remembered Hedwig was gone. He pulled at his hair in frustration. He wasn't supposed to be like this after the battle! He wasn't supposed to fall in love with his enemy! He was so confused. He sighed as he heard a soft knock at his front door. Harry rose from his seat and left his studies. He opened the front door to find Draco Malfoy standing there. A snowy owl perched on his shoulder. Harry knew that the owl was not his.

"Hello Malfoy." Harry said. Draco flinched at the last name.

"Can you just call me Draco? The name brings up to many bad memories." He says.

"Of course Draco. Come in." Draco walked in and turned to look at Harry.

"I heard about your owl and thought you might need another one. His name is Godric. I guess this is my way of apologizing for being an arse doing our years at Hogwarts." Draco said.

"I should apologize too. I never stopped to consider why you acted the way you did. I guess we both were idiots." Harry said. The boys smiled.

"Start over?" Draco questions, holding out his hand. Unlike 7 years ago, Harry took Draco's hand.

"Start over." Harry said. Both boys knew that they would never be enemies again. This new friendship could blossom into what they both want. And that, could blossom even further.

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