Blaise x Neville ~ What I Like About You!

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A/N: man, I love the idea of this ship already. I'm surprised I never heard of it before. Requested by the lovely

Let's get right into it! (Also. I'm kinda seeing Neville as 6th movie Neville well, more seventh movie so yeah.)


Neville peacefully hummed, resting his head in Blaise's lap, reading up on herbology.

"So, Valentine's Day is coming up." Blaise informed, gently running his fingers through Neville's soft hair.

"It is. What do you want to do for it? It's our first Valentine's as a couple after all." Neville asked.

"I think we should maybe come out to everyone. It's kinda hard to be together when we're constantly hiding from our friends." Blaise suggested causally.

"I'm up for it if you are. I mean, I'm pretty sure Draco and Harry are gay for each other." Neville chuckled.

"They're just to oblivious to notice." Blaise added.

"Seems so." The two silently went back to relaxing, enjoying the somber moments they shared.

They had gotten together quite quickly after they secretly became friends, wanting to vent their Potter/Malfoy frustrations to somebody and slowly, but surely, they found themselves loving the others company and just naturally got together.

Unlike their friends, they weren't fucking oblivious. They just were up front and they were happy about it.

"Hey, what do you like about me?" Neville asked, glancing up from his book. Blaise hummed as he threw Iggy for a moment, still brushing his fingers through Neville's hair.

"You're smart, maybe not in the same way Granger and Draco are, but you're smart, and you love plants. Sometimes when you nap, you'll start listing different plants and it's adorable. You're brave, a different type of brace from the rest of them. You're strong, caring, and all around, in my eyes, you're perfect. I wouldn't change a thing about you." Blaise smiled, leaning down and kissing Neville, their lips grazing a bit afterwards, giant dorky smiles on their faces.

"Now, what about me?" Blaise teased, lips still gently grazing Neville's.

"Well, for one thing, you're super sweet, you always know when I'm down and the right way to cheer me up." Neville started.

Blaise pecked his lips after, "uh huh."

"And you're devishly handsome, though I guess it's not the most important thing." Neville joked as Blaise kissed him again. "You're overprotective," another kiss, "you spoil me all the time, even if I tell you I'm okay."

Blaise was smirking as he pressed another kiss to Neville's soft lips, "go on."

"You're funny, always make me laugh," Neville smiled as Blaise kissed him again. His Blaise was adorable in so many ways. "You're too smart for your own good and you're just beautiful. Not only handsome, but beautiful, and I'm so happy you're mine."  Blaise then kissed Neville after he moved himself so he could kiss him properly.

"I love you."

"I love you too, now let me read Blaise."

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