Draco x Harry ~ Smut Smut Smutty Smut Smut

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A/N: Now that I have your attention......

Yes, I will be attempting smut in this chapter. This is my first time in doing so, so please tell me your opinion on it once you read it.

If you can not handle mature content, I suggest you skip this chapter or just the smut in general.




Harry sat against the warm tree as the summer sun beat down on him. There was only two weeks left of school before he had to go home. He was trying to read, but his thoughts kept wandering other places. Such as thoughts of Draco holding his arms above his head and snogging him senseless. After ten minutes and not reading a single word of the story, Harry closed the book.

He was such a hopeless romantic, well, that's what others told him. He was actually just a boy filled with lust and dirty thoughts. Ever since he and Draco had started dating, he couldn't help but let dirty thoughts seep through." He grabbed his bag and got up, walking back towards Hogwarts. The castle big and beautiful, filled with memories, probably not all of them so innocent.

"Hey Harry!" Draco exclaimed as Harry entered the castle.

"Hey Draco." Harry smiled, kissing his boyfriend's lips.

"I thought maybe I'd show you my room since we're dating." Draco said innocently.

"Uh, okay?" Harry said questionably.

"Then let's go!" Draco grabbed Harry's hand, dragging him through the dungeons and to the Slytherin dorms. Harry realized that about this time they would be serving dinner in the great hall, so no one would be in the dorms.

"Password." The painting of Salzar Slytherin questions.

"Pure blood." Draco responded giddily. The painting rolled it's eyes and swung open, letting the two boys in. The Slytherin common room was just as luck and posh as when Harry last saw it in 2nd year. Chandeliers hung from the ceiling and the couches were made of plush, everything looked like something you'd find on 'Snobby Rich Guy' magazine.

"This place is-" Harry was cut off by Draco.

"A bit much? Yeah, it is. This is yet another reason why all the other houses hate us. Come on, my rooms up here." Harry followed Draco up the stairs and inside a room. Slytherin pride was everywhere, except the few photos of Harry and Draco that sat on a desk. Suddenly, Harry was shoved against the now closed door by Draco.

"What the hell Draco?" Harry exclaimed.

"I'm sorry, but, I couldn't hold myself back any longer." Draco growled in Harry's ear.

"Well, I'm the more dominant one, so...." Harry flipped them around so he was now the one shoving Draco against the door. His face now held a prominent smirk.

"You couldn't let me have this one thing." Draco grumbled, but was soon cut short by Draco pressing their lips together roughly. Their lips separating and connecting as they attempted to catch their breath. Harry licked Draco's top lip, begging for entrance. Draco gave in and parted their lips, their tongues soon battling for dominance with Harry winning. His tongue explored the taste of Draco which was apparently, mint and cherry, Harry's new favorite taste. Harry brought Draco's arms above his head and held them there at the wrist.

"God damn it Harry." Draco muttered against his lips, kissing Harry as passionately as he could. Soon, Harry let go of Draco's hands to push him into the wall a bit harder, letting his hands wander as they eventually reached Draco's thighs. He picked up Draco, wrapping his legs around him as he pulled away from the wall, taking them to the bed.

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