They're Becoming Self Aware

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A/N: I'm going to make a reference to a previous story. So, um, hope you like it.


"Oh my god!" Hermione squealed as she sat on the grass with Harry and Ron. They put their hands over their ears.

"What the fudging hell Hermione?" Ron asked.

"Sorry. It's just, this writer is going to be the death of me! She writes one shots of students who she pairs together and they are adorable. There's many with us in them." Hermione said. This peaked the boys interest.

"Really?" Harry asked.

"Yeah. My favorite one includes you and Draco, Harry. You know the two of you have a ship name?" Hermione giggled.

"Show me." Harry said. She handed him, her phone and he read the one shot 'Soulmates.'

When your soulmate thinks of you, your chest glows white. When your soulmate touch (skin to skin) for the first time, your chest glows red and it will every other time you touch skin to skin. Well, let's talk about it.

"Already off to. Fantastic start!" Harry laughed as he continues to read.

Second year, Hermione and Ron discovered they were Soulmates. Though it took them a couple years to start actually dating. But, seventh year, Harry returns to Hogwarts to save the wizarding world, unaware that he was about to meet his soulmate.

"So she ships you and Ron? Not surprised. And this takes place in the future? Awesome." Harry laughed again, already getting pulled in.

"Your chest is a dead giveaway, Harry. Your soulmate never seems to stop thinking about you!" Hermione whispered. She wasn't wrong. Ever since he got on the train for Hogwarts, actually, ever since he got his robes fitted for the first time, his chest hasn't stopped glowing.

"I know. Just go and get the basilisk fang, I have to go to the ROR. The diadem should be in there." Harry said. The trio parted as the separated. As Harry made his way to the ROR, his chest kept glowing brighter and brighter. "Oh look, I'm a human flashlight." Harry muttered darkly. Why did his soulmate think of him so much?

"I feel like I would say this, if it was real." Harry smiled.

"I can see it too." Ron adds, reading over Harry's shoulder.

Harry made it to the ROR. He closed his eyes and thought of the very room he hid the book in. When he opened his eyes, a door had appeared and he entered. Harry weaved his way through the almost labyrinth type room. Finally, his eyes seized in the diadem. The ridiculousness of it seemed strangely alluring. Like it was dragging him closer in the pursuit of knowledge. His fingers wrapped around it.

"So your soulmate is thinking of you? Poor lass. I pity her for thinking of you." Draco's voiced laughed. Harry turned to look at Draco. He was greatly surprised to see that Draco seemed almost pained to say that.

"They never stop thinking of me. Everyone knows that." Harry said. He than realized Crabe and Goyle stood next to Draco. Even when he was terrified, Draco tried to impress his peers.

"You have something that belongs to me. I would like it back." Draco says. Harry knew Draco was talking about his wand.

"Woah, getting suggestive are we?" Harry laughed out loud and Ron and Hermione joined him.

"What's wrong with the one you have?" Harry questions.

"It's my mothers. It's powerful, but it doesn't get me." Draco said. Harry held the diadem tightly. Well, everyone knows we're it went from there. Goyle was an idiot who set the room on fire that only he could put out and he fell into his own flames and died. Ron and Hermione had appeared to save the day, and as Ron tried to save Crabe, Harry tried to save Draco.

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