Lily x James ~ Hold My Hand

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A/N: I'm sorry that I keep posting sad one shots, but they are actually quite fun to write. So, again, sorry.


Lily looked at Harry as he slept in his crib.

"He looks just like you James." Lily smiled.

"But he has your eyes." James smiled. The pair kissed the top on Harry's head before going downstairs. They say on the couch.

"It's hard to believe that we have to hide from, You-Know-Who." Lily sighed.

"Just because our son is supposedly one of a prophecy." James said.

"No one ever said being a parent was easy." Lily replied. James glanced out the window and saw a figure dressed in black.

"Lily, he's here. Peter betrayed us!" James exclaimed.

"What?" Lily exclaimed.

"Lily, give me your hand." James said. Lily grabbed James. They looked each other in the eyes before they kissed one last time. "Get Harry out of here. I'll hold him off." Lily nodded and darted for the stairs. James pulled out his wand and stood in front of the stairs.

The door made a loud noise as it was blasted open. The wood had splintered into thousands of pieces. The dark figure came closer. You could practically smell the evil. Either that or he has not showered in awhile.

"Stand back!" James said.

"Foolish mortal. Adavra Kadavra!" A green light left the end of the cloaked figures wand and hit James Potter. The life quickly left James' eyes and he fell to the ground. The man removed his hood. The face revealed was lord Voldemort's. He climbed the stairs and made his way to the room where Lily was talking to Harry.

"And Harry, don't you forget we lived you. You are always loved. I'm sorry. I love you." She whispered. She got to her feet and saw Voldemort.

"Don't kill him! Take me instead! Please don't kill him!" Lily begged.

"Out of the way foolish woman." Voldemort hissed.

"Leave him alone!" She screamed.

"I was asked not to kill you. Now move." Voldemort growled.

"No!" She shouted.

"So be it. Adavra Kadavra!" The curse hit Lily like a sharp knife. She collapsed. Voldemort made his way to Harry's crib and looked at the boy. His eyes trained on the boy. His hat was raven black and his eyes emerald green.

"So this is the person who will defeat me? So be it. Adavra Kadavra!" The spell rebounded off Harry and hit Voldemort. His form vanished and he was left a damaged soul, leaving a small scar on the boy's head, and part of his soul inside the boy. The little child was crying.

Soon Sirius came, soon Hagrid came. Sirius begged to take the child, and Hagrid took him away. The house held a scar bigger than the one left on Harry's forehead.


A/N: goodnight. I'll try to post tomorrow.

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