Hogwarts ~ What The Fuck (Episode 2: Advice And Roses)

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A/N: so, keep in mind, the series is going to start out with my character, I'm sorry, but mentions of your characters before fully switching to your characters' stories. I have to keep things somewhat linear and in order.... sigh. I am sorry if your personality is opposite of your character in these stories, but..... I'm having fun, and I'm sure you guys like to laugh at the obvious contrast. Anyways!


"Savannah, are you okay?" Raven Rose asked. She was gigantic next to Savannah, with her short bright blue hair and her icy blue eyes. They became friends first year when they bonded over some muggle bands.

"I think Harry Potter has a crush on me." Savannah groaned.

"Isn't that a good thing?" Raven questioned.

"I guess? I don't know. I mean, he's cute, but what am I supposed to do? He's the boy who lived!" Savannah exclaimed.

"Why don't you go to one of his exes for advice? I'd help, but I have a date with Blaise soon. It's almost our one month anniversary after all." Raven smiled.

"I don't even understand how you got together, or how you're friends with Draco since they both hate muggleborns." Savannah laughed.

"Well, they're friends with you too, and you don't seem to mind." Raven laughed herself.

"That's because I was raised by human beings and not the monsters those boys grew up with." Savannah scoffed. Both girls laughed again.

"Honestly. Like I said, you should go see one of Harry's exes, they might have something to tell you. You never know." Raven suggested.

"Who the hell would I go too? Harry doesn't date that often, and even if he does, they don't last long because of absolute horseshit." Savannah asked desperately.

"Well, from what I'm aware of, he dated two other people. Though, the reason they broke up is because they all liked someone else." Raven informed.

"And who are they?" Savannah hummed curiously.

"Oh, Emma Fernandez and Nicholas Santoro. Emma is a Slytherin, but you know her and Nicholas is a hufflepuff." Raven informed.

"So he's bisexual. That's something. Why would he choose me though? Wait, isn't Nicholas in third year?" Savannah commented.

"Well, yes. They broke up not to long ago. They lasted a month I believe." Raven explained.

"How do you know all this?" Savannah pressed.

Raven smirked. "Isn't it obvious? I'm a Ravenclaw, I know everything!" She boasted.

"Now you're pulling my leg. I'm going to talk to Emma at breakfast then." Savannah got up and went to the dresser at the edge of her bed. "Raven, can you help me pick out a cute outfit? I don't know, I just want to look my best?" Savannah questioned.

"You are crushing so hard. You don't need help, you look great in whatever you wear." she smiled brightly and both girls got dressed. Both girls headed to the great hall together since they both had agendas with Slytherins. "Tell me what happens later." Raven left to go talk to Blaise and Savannah made her way to Emma.

"Oh, Savannah, what brings you here?" Draco asked with a smile.

"Don't start with me Malfoy." Savannah snorted jokingly.

"Boy troubles?" Draco could read her easily.

"Oh you twat. Anyways, Emma, can I borrow you for a moment?" Emma looked over at Savannah. She was sitting next to Pansy. Emma had black hair like Harry's and bottle green eyes: could've passed for Harry's twin if she wanted too. She was so much taller than Savannah and was in the same year as her!

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