Draco x Harry ~ Will You Fix A Broken Heart

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A/N: Hey! I'm warning you now, that a few chapters are going to have song lyrics as titles. So, yeah, thought I'd warn you.


Harry awoke to the sound of soft snores next to him. He wasn't used to the sound. He glanced to his left where the snores were coming from. A mop of blond hair fell into the face of an angel. Also known as Draco. Harry was surprised as he sat up. He rubbed his eyes and looked around.

He was in the room of requirements. His body was bare and cold air touched every inch of it. When Harry saw his boxers, he pulled them on, the green fabric soft on his tough skin. Harry wanted nothing more than to go back to sleep, to wake up holding Draco, but he didn't want to at the same time.

He pulled the grey shirt over his head, than he pulled on his jeans and socks. Now all he had to do was find his God damn glasses. He checked under the bed and on the bed. He finally found them at the foot of the bed. He slipped then on, getting up and going to walk out. That was, until a whimper broke the silence.

"Harry, where are you going?" Draco asked sleepily, his eyes drooping slightly. Harry walked over to Draco.

"Out for a walk." Harry said softly.

"Hurry back." Draco smiled as he dropped back into the pillows, falling asleep. Harry sighed and got up, leaving the room and going on a walk. He left his thoughts to Draco. Every time he tried to leave the broken heir, he got roped back in. He couldn't bear breaking Draco's heart further than it already was.

What was funny, was that Harry was going to make this a quick fuck and leave him. He said, just one more night, every night after that, never actually being one more night. It all started with that stupid truth or dare game, playing along, making out with Draco, leading to some pretty hot sex.

But, Harry actually had feelings for Draco. He developed then as soon as their lips touched. At that moment, he knew he would have to fix a broken heart. Harry realized he'd been walking for an hour, and started heading back to the room of requirements.

When the door loomed in front of him, he entered, the door disappearing behind him. Draco was now fully dressed, hugging a pillow.

"Hey." Harry smiled, sitting next to him.

"Hey." Draco smiled slightly, but the smile faltered.

"Something wrong?" Harry questions, putting his arm around Draco.

"I sometimes feel like you try to leave me. I always seem to wake up with you trying to leave." Draco whimpered. Harry sighed and made Draco face him.

"I'm going to tell you something. Okay?" Harry questions.

"Okay." Draco responded in a mere whisper.

"My original plan was to get laid, leave. But when we first kissed, something ignited inside me, I knew I couldn't leave you. But, some part in my brain kept saying 'one more night' but I couldn't. You always called out for me. I fell for you, and I don't want to leave you. I love you." Harry said, kissing Draco's forehead.

"You know, I'm surprised everyone thinks I'm evil when you were thinking of doing that." Draco let slip past his lips.

"That's all you have to say?" Harry questioned with a quirk of the brow.

"Of course." Draco smiled innocently. Harry smirked and pushed, more like, smashed their lips together roughly, kissing Draco to his hearts content. He pushed Draco back a bit, making him fall back on the bed. Draco wrapped his arms around Harry's neck, pulling him closer.

Harry was obviously the dominant one in their relationship, despite what most people think, and he made sure to kiss Draco as passionately as possible. Harry grabbed Draco's hands by their wrists, and held them above his head. He then let his lips trail to Draco's neck, leaving bruises that would show on Draco's pale skin.

Draco was a horny mess now, moans leaving his lips, but he knew that they should get back to their houses. Draco pushed Harry off him, Harry looking confused.

"Something wrong?" Harry asked, cocking his head to the side.

"We have to get back to our houses. It's Sunday. We have assignments to finish and I'm pretty sure that our friends want to hang out with us." Draco reasoned.

"Can't it wait for a bit?" Harry questions, trailing his hand up Draco's thigh.

"We can't let it wait. Now get off your arse." Draco smiled and jumped off the bed. Harry chuckled a bit and got off the bed, following Draco out of the room. He slipped his hand in Draco's and intertwined their fingers.

"I thought you didn't want people to know we are together?" Draco questions, curiosity getting the best of him.

"I don't care anymore. I want people to know why I can't throw insults at you, why I turn down anyone who asks me out." Harry says sincerely.

"What happened? You just seemed to change overnight." Draco questions. Harry smiled at him.

"I can't leave you before I can fix a broken heart. And I'm not going to leave you with a broken heart." Harry explained as the walked to the Slytherin dorms, not caring who saw them.


A/N: so, I saw my stories had 666 votes, and I laughed so hard. Now it has 667. It was fun while it lasted. Thanks for reading guys! Love you!

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