Dean x Seamus ~ Married Couple

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A/N: I've rarely met anyone who said they didn't like this ship, because it's so flipping cute and the actors who played them ship it hard, so that's something. Anyways, hope you enjoy!


"Deeeeeeeeaaaaaan!" Seamus groaned, flopping himself onto his best friend. Dean rolled his eyes and continued eating breakfast.

"What wrong now? Blow up your assignments again?" Dean smirked and Seamus sat next to him.

"No! Welll... no!" Seamus exclaimed.

"Then what?" Dean hummed, easing a brow at him.

"You're going to hogsmeade with me and you aren't even dressed!" Seamus complained. Dean chuckled.

"You're such a kid." Dean smiled sweetly.

Everyone who knew the pair thought they were dating. They acted like a married couple twenty four seven anyways, and they were always next to each other, talking softly in whispers, cuddling each other, falling asleep on each other... they had to be dating!

They weren't.

"It's so cold out." Seamus complained, rubbing his gloved hands together. Dean rolled his eyes and took off his scarf, wrapping it around Seamus.

"This is why I told you to wear layers. Honestly." Dean scolded.

"What are you, me mum?" Seamus snorted.

"Don't be like that you moron." Dean rolled his eyes as they continued on. Seamus happily trotted alongside Dean.

"So where do you want to go first?" Seamus hummed.

"No matter what I say, it's obvious we're going to end up at Honeydukes." Dean joked softly.

"You like it there as much as I do." Seamus teased, gently nudging Dean.

"I suppose you're right. Remind me to buy some chocolate frogs or something to send back home. My little sisters absolutely adore them." Dean smiled.

"You sure love your family. I love mine too of course, but you're family is super sweet to you. Kind people." Seamus chuckled.

"Your mom's quite sweet. So, you coming over for Christmas this year?" Dean asked.

"My family always visits. You know that." Seamus laughed as they finally arrived at Honeydukes.

"I know I know. So what are you getting this time?" Dean asked as they walked in, a sweet aroma lifting them off their feet.

"Probably some Bertie bots every flavor beans. I like the idea of not knowing." Seamus joked.

"Of course you do. You sure you don't want some jelly slugs?" Dean joked.

"Did you know I was here to make that joke?" Ron groaned from nowhere.

"Sorry Ron." The two apologized.

"It's fine. I'm only here to escape Lavender." Ron informed.

"Just break up with her then mate." Dean snorted.

"She doesn't stop kissing him long enough for him to break it off." Seamus joked.

"See you two around." Ron sighed and left the shop.

"We should by some Carmel cobwebs and scare him with it." Seamus suggested.

"I'm fine not doing that." Dean smiled.

"Of course you are. What about Explosive Fairy Dust?"

"Seamus, be serious here." The two laughed and bought their candy, leaving the store.

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