Draco x Harry ~ Hello, I'm Stuff

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A/N: Hello good people who got me over 19k reads! You are all extremely awesome! So, I'm doing another Drarry One shot, but, with some of you in it! Yay! So, get ready, here it comes! But first, let's take a moment to realize that I am not stopping at 100 one shots! Yes people, I'm going to keep making these past 100! I thought, "Hey! These awesome people want one shots, so I shall give them one shots!" I really love all that you guys do for me and I'm glad I can make some of you laugh. You guys make me happy and I'm glad I can make you happy. Oh look, I'm turning into such a sap. Oh well! So, let's prepare for the most epic one shot yet! Let's go!


Where was Harry? Hermione thought as she drummed her fingers against the desk. Class was being held up until Draco and Harry showed up. Snape was not all that pleased. Especially so, now that he was the Defense Against The Dark Arts Teacher. The American exchange students were chatting away. There was Savannah, who had her long hair pulled in a ponytail and her glasses perched lowly on her nose. She was in Slytherin.

She was only a third year and she was in this class! So was her friend Julia, who was also a third year in Gryffindor. Julia had curly brown hair and dark brown eyes. She was making silly faces at Indigo, a fellow sixth year with Purple eyes and black hair that fell in her face, her skin stark white, she was a pale Slytherin. And with them was Erin who was a little shorter than indigo, who was pretty tall. She had slightly wavy hair and deep dark brown eyes. She looked like he clawed his way up from hell. She was also in Slytherin.

The fact that they are all American annoyed the hell out of Hermione. She was mostly annoyed with Julia and Savannah, the smart asses that had to know everything. She knows she's being a hypocrite when saying that, but she doesn't like being topped by fucking third years. Savannah then stopped talking to Erin and looked towards the doors, a glorious smirk on her face as she whispered something to her friends.

Hermione wondered what ran through their minds at that moment. Julia gasped and giggled. Erin was smirking muttering something about how she, "knew it." Indigo was giggling with Julia. What exactly where they talking about. Her questions were answered when Harry entered.

His tie was messy and loose, the first few buttons of his shirt undone. His hair messier than usually. His face red with embarrassment as he squirmed.

"Sorry I'm late professor Snape. I was busy with....." Harry trailed off, glancing at the door and someone most likely. "Stuff." He finished.

"Just sit do-" Snape was cut off by Draco walking in, a smirk on his face, his tie not even tied, some buttons undone. His normally gelled hair slightly messed up, not by much, but it was noticeable.

"Hello, I'm stuff." Draco said proudly. Harry pace palms and blushed furiously.

"Really Draco!?" Harry asked him, his face scarlet.

"Yup. Now let's sit Down Scarhead." Draco ruffled Harry's hair before the two sat down in the very back. Everyone had their jaws dropped in shock. Besides the stupid Americans, they were collecting money. They had bet on Harry and Draco.

"Now that you have arrived, there are only five minutes of class." Snape said unhappily. I groaned.

"We're sorry." Harry mumbled a bit.

"Don't be, we knew it would happen!" Indigo laughed.

"Yeah, you would think that people would realize you two were together since you guys never stop fucking talking about the other." Erin laughed.

"It seems like us silly Americans know more than you Brits. Yeah, we hear every word. Are you jealous Hermione of us? I'm a third year taking a sixth year class." Savannah smirked. Hermione frowned at them, her face slightly red with embarrassment.

"Anyways!" Snape growled, getting everyone's attention. "I will see you all next time. Potter, Malfoy, stay after class." Snape ordered. The two boys gulped. When class ended, everyone filed out of the class, leaving Draco, Harry and Professor Snape.

"Why did you want to see us professor?" Harry asked, his voice quavering ever so slightly, his hand holding Draco's, squeezing it tightly, annoying Draco slightly.

"As much as it's nice to see you two are a couple, I would appreciate it if you two did not turn up late for my class. And any business you two have outside of class, do not mention it in mine." Snape said, looking at them both. "Do you understand?" He questions. The two nodded rapidly.

"Good. And Mr Potter, Draco is my godson, so if you harm him in any way, i might accidentally pour liquid death on you." Snape said sourly.

"Understood Professor. But you won't see me breaking his heart." Harry said, a blush still covering his ran face.

"May we go now?" Draco questions.

"You may go." Snape said, and the two left the classroom.

"I'm surprised we didn't get in trouble." Harry says.

"Oh, Mr Potter and Malfoy, I will be seeing you both in detention Monday." Snape called after them.

"And I spoke too soon." Harry said with a sigh.

"Well, now that people know we're dating and are most likely going to spread it, we won't have to hide anymore!" Draco exclaimed happily.

"It was you who wanted to hide it from everybody in the first place." Harry reminded.

"I don't want to hide anymore. I want to be able to kiss you in public without being judged or having to worry about who saw us." Draco admitted.

"Well, everyone should be in the great hall soon for dinner, and I have an idea. I'll tell you when we get there." Harry smiled innocently, only Draco knowing that there was no innocence behind that sweet little smile. He should know since he's been with Harry for awhile.

The two walked towards the great hall, taking their time to be the last people to show up. The great doors of the great hall loomed in front of them. Draco turned to face Harry when they were by the doors.

"So, what is this excellent plan of yours?" Draco questions. Harry dragged Draco into the view of the great hall. Everyone could see them. Then, Harry kissed Draco on the lips.

"Damn it, the Americans were right!" Someone shouted. Harry released his now flustered boyfriend.

"See you after dinner." Harry walked into the great hall, Draco blushing furiously before going to his table.


A/N: the guest stars for this story were NoSuchThingAs_Normal , @Galactic_Dinosaur , and @fandom_overlord . Also, wish NoSuchThingAs_Normal happy birthday! Yay! Love all of you and hope you have a good day!

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