Percy x Oliver ~ Drama

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A/N: I love pretty much all the ships I write, give or take a few, but I freaking love them and I can't help but write fluff for them. Just, it makes me smile so much writing it! These two idiots are one of my favorites to write!


"Percy, I heard Penelope Clearwater asked you out?" Oliver hummed, hanging off his bed, his face red since all the blood rushed to his face. Percy simply glanced up from his book, mid-turn.

"Yes? What about it?" Percy replied, not sure why his love life was of any interest to him.

"Did you agree to go out with her?" Oliver asked.

Percy raised a brow, "why wouldn't I? She's smart, attractive, and she's into me."

"So that's your requirements?" Oliver sighed, Oliver not catching why he was sighing.

"Why are you so interested in my love life anyways?" Percy pressed, genuinely curious about his nosy best friend.

He just shrugged, "it's nothing, just curious. I wish you to the best of luck," Oliver falsely smiled at Percy and moved back into his bed. He laid there for a bit and wondered if Percy would catch on. After half an hour went on, Oliver gave up.

"Night Percy." Oliver waited for a goodnight back, but didn't receive one, so he turned in, and fell asleep.

Percy fiddled with the edges of his books. His eyes were sad as he glance over at Oliver.

"I wish you'd put up a fight... you give in to easily. If you like me... I wish you'd show it." Percy sighed and set his book down. He walked over to Oliver and sat at the edge of his bed. "Sweet dreams Oliver. Hope the game goes well tomorrow." Percy smiled faintly and sighed, going back to his bed and falling asleep.

"Oliver seemed pretty down during today's game. We still won, but..." Harry commented and trailed off at the end, sighing.

"That's not like him." Ron said, raising a brow.

"It's not, it has us worried." Fred huffed. Percy simply ate his food, desperately begging not to be included in the conversation. Though, his pleas were not heard.

"Percy, he's your best friend, you have any idea what's going on?" George asked. Percy couldn't exactly tell them it was his fault since he got a girlfriend, so he lied.

"No, I don't know, I wish I knew." Percy sighed, feeling a bit guilty. It's not his fault, Oliver never confessed to Percy, so Percy moved on, only to have Oliver feel so hurt and still not confess.

"Should we just ask him?" Harry questioned.

"He's not the type to open up about those types of things. Likes to make everything seem alright when it isn't." Percy muttered, not realizing that he said it out loud.

"You noticed he's been strange?" Hermione asked softly.

"He's been a bit off since yesterday. He wouldn't tell me why." He admitted out loud.

"Guess we'll just have to figure it out." Harry sighed.

Later that night, Percy and Oliver were sitting in their room. Percy had just finished his homework, and Oliver seemed to be halfway through his. He normally put it off until the day before it was due, so Percy was concerned.

"Hey Oliver..." Percy attempted to get his attention, a bit too soft however. Still, Oliver heard him.

"What is it?" Oliver hummed, acting all cheery.

"You don't need to put up the act, what's wrong?" Percy asked.

"There's nothing wrong." Oliver snapped quickly. Percy sighed.

"You know, it's not like I'll get mad if it's my fault. I just hate to see you like this." Percy assured, but Oliver stayed silent. "I know this is about me in some way Oliver, I'm not oblivious. Just, tell me." Still, Oliver stayed silent. Percy grit his teeth in frustration. "If you didn't want me to date Penelope Clearwater, you should've just confessed yourself! I would've accepted it!" Percy shouted, startling Oliver. "Merlin, I'm done. I'm going for a walk."

It wasn't curfew, so Percy left and walked the castle halls for a bit. He sighed to himself and against all odds, he ran into Penelope.

"Hey Percy, strange to see you out so late." Penelope smiled. Percy smiled back. She was a nice girl, He felt kind of bad for dating her to get Oliver of his mind.

"Hey Penelope, I-"

"Want to break up? Percy, I know you like Oliver Wood. I know you were dating me to move on, I'm. Or upset really, if you like him, you should go after him." Penelope grinned broadly.

Percy blinked a couple times, "you see through me pretty well."

She laughed, "I'm a pretty clever gal. I'm heading back to my dorm, you should too, melting knows how worried your Oliver must be." Penelope smiled one last time and pecked Percy's cheek. "See you around Percy." She left and Percy smiled at the short time they had together. They'd been together for a month, but Oliver only found out about it the day before.

Percy scratched the back of his neck and headed back to his dorm. As expected, Oliver was kinda just, still in shock, but his head snapped up when Percy walked in.

"Where were you?" Oliver rushed.

"Wandering. Penelope and I broke up as well. Mutual of course." Percy sighed.

"You knew I liked you?" Oliver asked softly.

"I had a guess, I was just waiting for you to confess. When you didn't, I lost hope and dated Penelope." Percy admitted.

"What about you? You could've confessed!" Oliver exclaimed.

"I'm not too good with romance. I'm really bad at it." Percy huffed.

"So you like me?" Oliver pressed.

"Of course I do you moron! So, are you going to confess as well?" Percy hummed.

"I like you too Percy. Want to go out with me?" Oliver asked softly.

"I've been waiting for you to ask." Percy smiled kindly and hugged Oliver. Oliver happily hugged back.

"So, Oliver is chipper again." Fred commented.

"Yeah, wonder what happened." George nodded.

"He was upset that I was dating someone. I'm not dating her anymore though." Percy admitted.

"He didn't want someone to take his best friend away." Harry smiled.

"Well, I'm dating someone else now, and Oliver is okay with it." Percy commented.

"Who the new girlfriend?" Ron hummed.

"I don't have a girlfriend." Percy snorted.

"But you just said....."

"He's dating Oliver. Obviously." Hermione huffed. It took way to long for all of them to soak that in.

"Oh! He was jealous!" Harry chuckled.

"Yup." Percy nodded.

"Well, congrats." Ron smiled a bit.

"Thanks." Percy nodded.

"Hey Percy, want to go somewhere with me?" Oliver popped in and Percy smiled.

"Sure." Percy got up and grabbed his things, and the pair headed off, holding hands, though, no one really noticed. Except the entire Gryffindor house of course.


A/N: not the usual thing I'd write for these two, but it was fun writing something a little bit different. Hope you enjoyed!

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