Savannah x Scorpius ~ Pushed Under The Mistletoe

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A/N: This idea came to me and I thought I would write it. There is also going to be be Julia x Albus so NoSuchThingAs_Normal is going to be shipped once again with Albus. You're welcome. If you want me to include you, please leave your first name and how you want to look. I'll take it from there.


"Guys!" Savannah giggles.

"What? We all know you want to kiss him." Rose says.

"Well, of course. But doesn't he like someone else?" Savannah questions.

"I don't think so. Come on Savannah, act like a Gryffindor and ask him out!!!" Katie exclaimed, shaking Savannah's shoulders.

"You guys are annoying." Savannah mumbled.

"But yet, you love us." Ann says.

"Oh god, Julia and Albus are snogging again." Rose says. She was right. Ever since they got together third year, they won't stop snogging. It's fifth year for Pete sake!

"Just ignore them." Savannah mumbles.

"Hey, Scorpius is about to pass under the mistletoe." Rose says. Savannah didn't see the other girls smirk. Savannah was pushed into Scorpius and he caught her.

"Sorry." Savannah said, her face turning redder than Rose's hair.

"It's okay." Scorpius laughs.

"You two are under the mistletoe!" James said, turning the corner. He was in his seventh year.

"Just kiss!" Julia exclaimed. Albus was laughing and Scorpius was now blushing. Savannah took a chance and kissed Scorpius softly on the lips.

"Yes!" All the girls besides Savannah of course exclaimed. Scorpius put his arms around Savannah's waist and pulled her closer. Savannah threw her arms around his neck and the pair continued to kiss.

"Hey! You do realize humans need air right?" James joked. The pair pulled away from each other, blushing.

"Um. Do you want to go on a date sometime?" Scorpius asked.

"I'd love too." Savannah responded.

"It's about time!" Albus exclaimed.

"Oh, shut up Albus." Scorpius said.

"Savannah and Scorpius, sitting in a tree." All of them sang.

"Stop it guys." Savannah said.

"S-N-O-G-G-I-N-G!" They sang.

"Oh Merlin." Savannah mumbled.

"No kidding." Scorpius said.


A/N: What did you think? Probably my shortest one. I like it.

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