Remus x Sirius ~ Not Everything Lasts

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A/N: I'm warning you right now. This might be sad. I like the ship and only did one, one shot for them, so here is another one.


Time Period: Marauder Era
Year: First


James and Sirius walk to their classes, when they see a boy they didn't see yesterday. His hair was a light brown that suited his silver eyes. (A/N: forgot the actual eye color) a slight scar on his face. It looked kinda like a claw mark. The boy bore a Gryffindor tie and wore the Gryffindor robes. His nose was buried nose deep Ina book as he walked to class. His bag hung limply at his side. The boy was around 11. Sirius elbowed James in the stomach.

James had brown eyes that just screamed troublemaker. His hair was raven black and glasses set upon his nose. Gryffindor. Sirius Black had longish black hair and just stunning brown eyes. He was just a child, but you knew he was going to grow up to become one of the hottest guys around. James looked over at the boy and the duo approached.

"Who are you? And why weren't you here for sorting?" Sirius questions.

"Hi," the boy squeaked at them, obviously very shy. "my name's Remus Lupin. I was sick and in the hospital wing. They had to sort me afterwards. What's your names?" Remus asked.

"Allow us to introduce ourselves. I'm James Potter." James said with a slight smirk.

"And I'm Sirius Black." Sirius said with a killer smirk.

"Nice to meet you both. We should head for transfiguration. We'll be late." Remus said.

"Great idea. You know Remus, how would you like to be our friend?" James asked. They both smiled at Remus.

"That sounds nice. I never really had a friend before." Remus muttered. The trio then headed to class. Their tale of mischief had only just begun.


Time Period: Marauder Era
Year: Fourth


"Dear Merlin Remus, you have to take it easy. That was quite a nasty fall." Sirius told his friend, helping him to the bed. Remus laid on the bed as Sirius got ice.

"Remind me to never ride a broomstick again." Remus groaned.

"Sure thing. Can't have my boyfriend dying, now can I?" Sirius elevated Remus' foot and put a pillow under it. He then put the ice on the broken leg and went to fetch the nurse.

"Dear dear. Why is it that you two and your two other friends are in here so often?" The nurse asked as she got a potion.

"Trouble seems to find us." Sirius smiled. The nurse had a red potion in her hand. The red was dark and thick. The color seemed to resemble blood.

"Drink this dearie. That leg will be fixed in no time." The nurse said. Remus brought the liquid to his lips and took a huge gulp. The taste was similar to that of spoiled milk. Remus grimaced and swallowed the potion.

"When will he be able to leave?" Sirius asks.

"In about an hour or so. I suggest you stay off the leg for a couple of days. Take the next couple days off and have your friends give you the assignments you are bound to miss." The nurse said. Remus nodded. The nurse went back to her office.

"Lucky you." Sirius chuckled.

"At least the full moon isn't for another month. That would've been bad, really bad." Remus said.

"Yeah, we know already Remus." Sirius kissed Remus' forehead and smiled at him.


Time period: Day of Potter's death
Year: graduated


Rubble. Death. Tears. Worst day of many people's lives. Sirius looked at the tiny child in the crib, tears running down his cheeks. Both of them were crying. The child lost his parents, Sirius lost his best friends.

"You have your mother's eyes Harry. Other than that, you look just like your father. Why did this happen? Why did Peter betray us?" Sirius whispered to the boy. He sunk to the ground, crying uncontrollably. Soon enough, the large half giant soon after appeared.

"Sirius? What are you doing 'ere?" Hagrid asked. He saw the man's tear stained face and felt sorry for him.

"I felt it. I could feel like something was wrong. He murdered them. Voldemort murdered them. He murdered my best friends." Sirius sobbed into his hands.

"They didn't deserve to die." Hagrid bellowed. His voice was gruff and deep. It rang in your ears.

"Hagrid, promise me this since I know I can't take him, protect him. When he goes to Hogwarts, protect him. I don't think I can. You can. Promise me that." Sirius pleaded.

"I promise Sirius. I promise to protect him." Hagrid boomed. Sirius thanked Hagrid.

"Take my motorcycle, it will get you to your destination faster." Sirius smiled weakly at Hagrid and watched as he left. What was he going to tell Remus?


Time Period: Harry Potter generation
Year: Third


Sirius looked up at Remus. Without talking, he begged for forgiveness. Remus looked troubled. But, something won him over and he gave Sirius a chance. Remus put down his wand and held out his hand. Sirius smiled, and took it.


Time Period: Harry Potter generation
Year: five


"The last thing I called my godson was James." Sirius whispered to himself as he fell through the veil. The last thing he saw in the inky black darkness was the only person he had ever truly loved. But, nothing ever last forever. The inky black darkness swallowed him while, taking away all feeling and all pain and he was submerged in light.

His eyes adjusted and he saw two people waiting. Just two people. He got up, and ran. Just ran. Tears stung his eyes as he wrapped his arms around his two best friends. A simple golden halo hung around all of their heads.

"I missed you. Both of you." Sirius whispered.

"We missed you too, Sirius." James smiled.

"Sirius, thank you for protecting our son. Thank you for everything." Lily said. Her red hair still redder than a tomato. Her eyes still the dazzling green.


Time period: Harry Potter generation
Year: Seven


Sirius saw them both. They saw him. They sped forward and had a giant group part.

"I thought I'd never see your faces again." Sirius told them both. That's what the whole point of this is.

Nothing ever last forever.


A/N: was that good?"

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