Sirius x James ~ Experimental Practice

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A/N: you can thank the lovely @UnknownMarauder for this request.i have tried writing these two together before, but never really found the proper way to go about it, and now, I do, so let's go!


"Proooongs, when are your parents getting back?" Sirius groaned.

"Knowing them, probably tomorrow night. They like their privacy. Surprised that I have no siblings with the amount of times they have a second, third, five hundredth honeymoon." James hummed.

Sirius laughed, "the world can't handle more than one Potter kid at a time."

"Maybe. Well, I think I'll change that when I get married, I'll have a shit-Ton of kids." James informed.

Sirius raised a brow, "really?" He laughed, "you really think Evans would be up for it? Well, if the two of you ever get together?"

"I don't know Padfoot! I just, ya just a gut thing, you know, to have kids. For me at least. To share what I love with someone, to watch them grow up themselves. I'm prepared for all that, and I want that so badly." James sighed. Sirius looked at him, smiling.

"You know it doesn't need to be a child you have. I know that feeling, and I want it too, just maybe not in the same way. I do want to share my loves with someone, but I don't want to have a child of my own." Sirius shrugged.

James shifted, facing Sirius, "why's that?"

Sirius shrugged, "I don't know," he leaned back against James' bed frame, picking at the carpet, "my family, I can't pass that bloodline down. It's cursed. I know what you'll say, I'm different, but like you said, it's a gut feeling."

"Fair enough," James hummed, "is that why you play around?"

Sirius laughed, "I'm not emotionless, being with people, like You, Moony and wormtail, full one type of emptiness, but not all of it. Sometimes it feel nice to have another body pressed against me, even if it's for a brief second."

James didn't respond, he just looked at his best friend in slight shock. Sure, James knew Sirius wanted to fill what he never got, but not in that way before.

"James, don't worry about it, I'm fine. Stop being Daddy prongs for a moment." Sirius chuckled.

"Why do you and the others call me that?" James groaned.

"You have a parental instinct over us, despite how mischievous you are. I mean, you dragged my ass to the infirmary when I caught a cold." Sirius chuckled.

"Because I didn't want to catch it," James scoffed.

"Keep telling yourself that prongs." The pair laughed, leaning back.

It was a welcomed calm that covered the room, the pair silent, not feeling the need to say anything. Just because it's silent, doesn't mean there was a need to fill it with small talk. James knew all too well that Sirius preferred silence than stupid small talk.

Minutes passed of them sitting there, left alone to their own quiet thoughts, when James felt a nagging question surface, "what's it like?" he asked, causing Sirius to raise a brow at him, "to kiss someone, to, I don't know, make love to them?"

"I haven't made love to anyone, that would require me to love someone, and I have enough trouble loving myself sometimes-" James rested a hand on Sirius' shoulder, and Sirius smiled at him, "it's magical, every kiss tastes different James, and each sexual encounter, it's a mess of colors and emotions all built up, unleashing itself into mind blowing pleasure."

"That good huh?" James snickered.

Sirius rolled his eyes and shrugged James' hand off his shoulder, "it can be awkward if both people have no idea what they're doing. There needs to be a dominant person, not two submissives who don't got a clue what they're doing."

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