Draco x Harry ~ Bound

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A/N: I'd like to thank the amazing @random_girl_2020 for giving me this idea. Sorry if it's not 100% what you expected. My mind goes to dark places.

Warning!: if you're not into kidnapping, semi-rape or just not into dark stuff in general, this isn't your story.

This is the only warning I'm giving, so don't come crying to me if you don't like it.

But seriously guys, please read the warning. And keep in mind, I'm changing the story a bit to make this scenario fit better. Please keep that in mind.


It's not like it was a secret. They knew how the other felt, but neither of them were brace enough to make that first move.

They snapped harshly at each other and everyone thought they hated each other. Their cruel stares burned into the minds of anyone who saw them.

Winter rolled around in their sixth year soon enough. Draco snapped. With the cruel words of his parents and the evil orders of Voldemort and his family in general, his mental stability cracked. His mark burned under his skin.

"Harry, were really sorry to leave you. Holiday is only so long." Hermione apologized. She and Ron were going to visit their families. Harry just smiled at them.

"Don't worry about it." He reassured. He planned to finally confess to Draco anyways.

"We'll see you soon." They all hugged and Harry saw them off. When they were out of sighed, Harry turned around and headed back to his dorms. He was nearly there when a sharp pain hit the side of his head and he blacked out.

When Harry woke up, he was on a large king sized bed, his hands were handcuffed to the bedpost, but he could move his hands somewhat freely. He was shirtless and in his boxers.

"Huh?" Harry yanked against the chains. He could only mover a few feet from the bed. "Where am I?" Harry croaked. His voice was rough and when he stood, his legs felt weak. He needed a drink of water to calm his aching throat. A clear glass of water stood on the nightstand. Everything in Harry's mind told him not to drink it, but his head was muddled and his throat was screaming so he grabbed the water and downed it.

He felt fine so he sat on the bed and took in his surroundings. The room had dark green walls and the carpet was black. The bed, like the wall, was a deep, dark, rich, green. A few paintings took up the space on the wall, but no portraits since they could hear and talk.

When e added everything up in his head, he realized where he was. He yanked harder on the chains. He fought against them desperately no matter how loudly they clanked against the bed frame. He gave up when the door creaked, prepared to be killed by the hands of Voldemort.

"No reason to worry Potter, my family isn't here for the holiday." Harry shiver and turned to face Draco, who leaned against the doorframe in tight fitting black jeans and a green sweater.

"What's this all about Malfoy?" Harry growled, feeling conflicted. Draco walked over and pushed Harry onto the bed. He whispered some sort of spell and Harry found the chains wouldn't moved anymore, and his arms were spread on the bed.

"Don't play dumb Potter." Draco yanked off his shirt and climbed over Harry. "I know you like me, and you know I like you. Let's have some fun together!" Harry was kinda into what was going on at first until he remembered that Malfoy kidnapped him! Still, he was weak when Draco pressed his lips to his own. A mind blowing sensation spread through his body and Draco kissed him roughly. When Draco pulled away, Harry was hot and panting.

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