Harry Potter ~ One More Time, The Author Goes

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A/N: some people liked the one shot of me putting myself in the story, others did not, here I am, writing it because hey, it's my one shots and I love you guys, but it's fun for me to make a silly chapter like this sometimes.


Savannah hummed, lying on her bed, phone held in her hands. She glanced at the screen, a small smile filling her face seeing a notification from Wattpad. She clicked on the app quickly, and saw someone had sent her a message.

"Nice! A request! Let's gooo!" She laughed, not really looking at the user who sent her a message.

Are you ready?

Savannah blinked, checking the username, met with an empty place where the icon and user should be.

Ready? Ready for what?

She asked. It was an immediate response.

The world of wizardry awaits you.

Savannah's brows furrowed together and she got up, heading towards her door, hoping her sis could maybe understand. When she opened the door; however, she was greeted with a train car. She blinked, then looked back, seeing the same train behind her. She walked in, and sat down, looking at herself, seeing all to familiar Ravenclaw robes.

"Look, it's only Savannah here, let's sit here!" A voice chummed happily.

"Sod off Potter, we were here first." A clear voice sneered. Savannah flushed and looked at the window, having a mild freakout, and by mild, she meant massive. She managed to contain it on the inside though as the compartment door slid open. She glanced sideways, seeing Draco, Luna, Ron, Blaise, Harry, Pansy, Neville and Hermione, just standing there, looking at her.

"There's only so much room, you know?" She laughed, trying her best to seem.... normal! The entire experience weirding her out.

"Who do you want to sit with?" Harry asked, glaring at Draco. What was with these alternate universes and the characters obsessing over the character that doesn't belong there?

"I don't mind, sort it out amongst yourselves," she hummed.

"Well, us girls love to chat, so we'll join." Pansy, Luna and Hermione walked in and left five boys staring at them.

"You have anyone you'd just love to chat with?" Pansy asked, giggling.

"Well, Harry, Draco, care to join if you don't kill each other?" Savannah invited. The pair looked at each other, but nodded. I'll hang with you guys at the castle." Savannah assured and the quarreling rivals entered.

It didn't take long for the train to really get moving. Soon enough, the sweet cart came around.


"What would you like Savannah, I can buy you whatever you want!"Harry asked.

"I'll buy her everything!" Draco retaliated. Savannah just sighed and rolled her eyes, pulling out a lot of galleons. Of course she was rich here, figures.

"Four of everything. For my gals." She joked. The last took the money and happily gave her what she wanted. The boys, looking defeated, just bought some candy for themselves.

"So Savannah, I heard you visited everyone's place over the summer. Who was the best to hang with?" Hermione hummed.

"I hung out with you, remember?" Savannah reminded.

Hermione laughed, "no silly,
I meant the boys!" Draco and Harry glanced over at Savannah.

"They were all pretty fun to hang out with. I prefer the Weasley's since it's a lovely home, but Neville and I went to the movies and it was pretty chill. To be fair though, Neville is like, my best friend, so it's to be expected." Savannah hummed happily.

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