The Marauders ~ Love Potion

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A/N: so I found this YouTube channel, TheMischiefManagers who do spot on cosplays of the golden trio and the Marauders and they make me love Peter again, so, I decide to do a one shot about the Marauders because it's been awhile. Hope you guys enjoy!


"Prongs, have you seen Moony or Padfoot anywhere?" Peter asked.

"Why? Is something the matter Wormtail?" James raised a brow at Peter.

"Well..... someone from another house decided to give a lot of students love potion and Moony and Padfoot were one of the two." Wormtail explained.

"Bugger, we should find them before they do something stupid!" James exclaimed.

"We can't do anything if we don't know where they are." Peter sighed.

"If I were Padfoot, where would I go?" James said to himself.

"You should no, you two are practically joined at the hip!" Peter explained.

"Do we have any love potion antidote?" James questioned, his eyes wild.

"I nabbed some from Slugghorn's office on the way here." Peter pulled out a few bottles of clear liquid that they all very well as being the love potion antidote. James grabbed a few and Peter kept the rest.

"Why is today the day that we don't have the map?" James sighed angrily.

"No time to worry now, we have to find them," Peter calmly suggested. James relaxed and sighed.

"You're right Wormtail. Let's split up. If we find them, use the antidote and meet back in the common room." James suggested. Both boys agreed and the two split up. Peter checked the library while James checked the quiditch fields. All that Remus found was Snivelous looking sick, attempting to read. He didn't find it in him to see rank him since he was busy worried over his friends.

James came up empty handed too. He searched even the changing rooms or whatever they're called for them. He ran into Lily on the way back into the castle.

'No time to flirt'

"Evans, have you seen Remus or Sirius?" James questioned frantically.

"Sod off Potter." Lily frowned.

"I'm serious Evans! Someone gave them love potion! We need to find them!" Lily's eyes widened.

"You mean you four aren't responsible for the love potion?" Lily asked.

"No! Even we wouldn't go that far! Have you seen either of them?" James was pretty desperate, not even attempting to be suave or cool, not that he was either.

"I saw both head to the boys dorms." Lily admitted.

"Thank you Evans! Ah! Here!" James handed Lily an antidote. "Peter smuggled quite a few, use it if someone got affected." James ran off as Lily smiled.

"So even you have a kind side." She grinned at the ground. "I guess I misjudged you."

Peter and James met in the common room.

"They're in the dorms!" James exclaimed. The two dashed up to their room, ready with the antidote. What they saw when they arrived, nearly made James and Peter laugh. Somehow, as Remus and Sirius were all over each other, Sirius got his sweater stuck on his head.

"Well, they didn't get too far yet." Peter sighed in relief.

"Thank god for that. Wormtail, you get Moony, I'll take Padfoot." The two quickly forced their friends to down the antidote. After a few seconds, the two backed off from each other.

"Merlin, those Ravenclaws got us pretty good." Sirius grumbled.

"I told you we shouldn't have accepted anything from them. I mean.... Gildroy Lockheart is in that house..." Remus grimaced.

"I forgot that fool even exsisted..." Sirius sighed.

"Wait, the Ravenclaw's do this? Why?" James questions.

"Prongs, if we knew, we wouldn't have taken what they gave us. Our potions were made for each other, but I don't know about the others." Sirius shrugged.

"Who else took it?" Peter questioned.

"Frank and Alice, but they're already a couple, so I don't think it worked on them." Sirius recalled. Remus though for a moment with his brows furrowed.

"I think Snivelous and Regulus were given some. For who they're aching after is beyond me." Remus admitted.

"That explains why he looked so ill earlier!" Peter exclaimed, causing the others to look at him.

"What?" They asked together.

"When Prongs and I were searching for you two, I checked the library and Snivelous was nose deep in a book. He didn't look well at all." The other three thought for a moment.

"Normally I wouldn't care about that Slytherin scum, but a love potion is just too far, let's give him an antidote." James sighed.

"Wow, look at who's acting like the bigger man." Sirius grinned.

"You guys agree though, a love potion is taking it too far." James prodded.

"Of course it's taking it too far Prongs! It's gotta feel pretty bad when someone who's hitting on you is only doing it because of a love potion." Remus argued.

"You weren't doing it just because of the potion were you?" Sirius asked Remus. Remus went a little pink.

"What do you take me for?" Remus got up.

"Let's go give him the potion then. We should find the others and cure them too." The four split up and took a few potions, asking around. James was the one who went to the library and saw Severus is his ill state, writing some name several times.

"Buggar, is that my name?" James whispered to himself. "That's just disgusting. Who would do that?" James walked over. "Snivelous, drink this." James set the antidote in front of Severus.

"Why should I drink anything you give me Potter?" He sneered. He was really struggling against that potion.

"I may not like you, not one bit, but no one deserves to be put under a love potion. This is the antidote." Severus glared at James before drinking it. Both were unaware of Lily entering. She had seen the whole encounter.

"Where did you even get this?" Severus asked.

"Snagged it from Professor Slugghorn's office. Eat on me if you will, but at least you aren't under some potions affects." James shrugged.

"You're not going to pick on me?" Severus asked.

"Don't have it in me. To much happened today." James walked away and right past Lily, not seeing her at all.

"Even to go as far as to help someone you don't like. I seriously misjudged you James Potter." Lily smiled before going to Severus.

"Hey." She smiled. Severus offered a smile. "Today's really been something hasn't it?"


A/N: What do you think? Should I do more things like this?

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