A Little Thing Called Love: David x Luke (Illermoony Series)

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A/n: so, I thought I'd do something in honor of fantastic beasts and where to find them. I guess you could say, my reintroduction to these one-shots! I'm sure a lot of you darlings got a shock seeing I updated. Right? None of the characters you know will be in this one shot, but the next one will be the usual.
Oh, and I will say, I've gotten used to writing smut, so... be warned, I'm not holding back anymore.


The air was harsh, and the two young wizards held their jackets closer to them.

"Why do we have to go out in this weather?!?!" Quinn shouts, her red hair as bright as Ginny Weasley's and her eyes bluer than the summer skies. Freckles splayed across her face in a fantastic way.

"Don't you want to know if the tumors are true? That there's a basalisk in the forest?" David almost seemed to shout the question. His dark brown hair tossed about and his green eyes filled to the brim with excitement.

"Have you not payed attention in class? If you look that monster in the eye you'll die!" Quinn shouts. She didn't want to be here, nor did she want to be in danger.

"Still, it would be amazing to see..." the look he flashed her made her silent. She followed him quietly through the woods.

"If this is a cry for Winter to notice you, she already likes someone..." Quinn informs softly.

"I'm not in Love with her." David assured, pushing away bushes and tall grass.

"What?" Quinn paused in her steps and watched as her friend tensed, then, trusting her, relaxing.

"She isn't the person I love. The person I love would yell at me first before paying attention to me. To them, I'm invisible." He dropped his head and pressed on.

"Merlin.... David, don't leave me behind!" Quinn shouted, running quickly after him. She reached the edge of a cliff, below a giant tree where David was, panting heavily, little droplets falling from his chin. "Da-!" A hand was placed over her mouth.

"Shh. Let them work it out." A soft voice warned. Quinn recognized the voice as James King. A platinum blond haired boy with blue eyes in sixth year. Same as David and herself. She looked back towards the tree where a new scene begun.

"David, this cry for attention wasn't needed." David's was snapped up in shock at the voice.

"L-Luke! What- what're you doing here!?" He frantically tried to wipe away the mess of tears on his face.

"I saw you sneaking out when I was doing my rounds." Luke gentle silver eyes smiled gently at him, his ash blonde hair messy from the wind.

"I'm sorry you have to see me like this." David looked away from Luke, not wanting to face his crush with such a horrible face.

"You know, even though your a Wampus, you sure don't have the guts to just admit you love me." David jolted hearing Luke say that, and hesitantly turned to face him. Luke was smiling at him, a faint blush settled on his cheeks

"H-how did you know?" David blushed.

"I am in horned arrogant after all. That and well, I love you too." Those three words rolled so sweetly of his tongue.

"Y-you love me?" Luke was baboon butt levels of red after finally getting it off his chest.

"Yes! Now just come out and say it back!" Luke exclaimed. David pulled Luke into a hug, putting his lips to his ear.

"I love you." David whispered in his sweet voice. Unaware to the two watching from above, Luke pushed David to the ground, and pressed his lips against David's.

"It may be fast, but after four years of loving you, I can't wait anymore!" Luke exclaimed as their kiss broke.

"I don't think I can wait either. And it's not like we can do this in the dorms." The new couple we're kicking up a storm and Quinn, along with James, decided now would be the time to go.

"I had no idea..." Quinn muttered, her face flushed with embarrassment.

"Same goes for me. Let's ghetto back before we're caught. The teachers should be here soon...." James warned.

"Shouldn't we warn them?" She questioned.

"Quinn?" He paused, taking in a deep breath. "I don't know about you, but I would rather not go stop them while they're in the middle of doing it." James shivered.

"You do have a point there. I still don't see why I was dragged out here. He could've done this himself." Quinn shivered and James shrugged off his coat.

"Take this." Quinn happily took it and wrapped it around herself.

"Thank you!" She hummed. James blushed, but with the night sky up, she couldn't see.

"It's no problem."

A new love blossoms as another love sprouts.


A/n: I made up these. Character 'cause I could. I could write more for this along with my usual one shots. You won't be getting more until tomorrow. But hey, aren't you glad I'm back? Jk! I love you guys and everything you've done.

I read your comments and smile, and I can't believe how many people decided to read these one shots! It's astounding!! So thank you, and I came back to give you guys thanks!

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