Ron x Harry ~ Sleepless (Au)

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A/N: this is simply a ship I don't see much of in the muggle world. Simple as that, no magic, no nothing.

Oh, also...

Warning: mentions of abuse.

I don't mean anything by it since I love almost all characters from the franchise, I just thought to add it to this for drama. Be warned. It's just talking about the abuse as well, so bit too graphic

"Hey Harry, seems like I missed the last train for today." Ron commented, looking at his watch.

Harry just chuckled out, "you use that excuse too often. Just ask to stay over, half my closet is just your clothes at this point."

"Well, that's not true, I haven't stayed over in awhile. This will be the first time since you broke up with Malfoy." Ron huffed. Harry smiled weakly, and Ron noticed, but decided not to say anything.

"Yeah. Pretty nasty breakup too. Luckily I'm the one paying for this place so I got to keep it when we split. I'm gonna take a shower and hit the hay." Harry got up and stretched.

"I'll take one in the morning. I'll be borrowing your guest room." Ron smiled.

"Go ahead." Harry left the room and headed towards his own and the connected bath while Ron simply went to the guest room and got undressed. He fell on the bed and faced the ceiling, hearing Harry starting up the shower.

Ron woke up to screaming. He jumped to his feet when he realized it came coming from Harry's room. He rushed to Harry's room to see Harry violently convulsing and screaming. Ron ran over and shook Harry awake, worried more than his own mother. As soon as Harry woke up, Ron yanked him was not a hug, knowing that would help Harry right now.

Harry's lower lip quivered and he hugged Ron back, burying his head in Ron's bare shoulder and crying. Ron had no idea why Harry was upset, but decided not to ask anything until Harry calmed down.

After a solid half hour, Harry stopped crying and his breathing was normal. Harry pushed himself away from Ron, eyes puffy and tear tracks staining his face. He never looked so..... vulnerable before.

"Mate, you were screaming," Ron started softly, "this has something to do with Malfoy, doesn't it? You were uncomfortable when I mentioned him earlier. Correct me if I'm wrong Harry, but it hurts to see you this way." Ron had mentally pieced together part of the story, but needed confirmation.

Harry rubbed the back of his neck, ruffling his hair. He sighed a bit, shakily," yeah. It's because of him."

"Harry," Ron grabbed Harry's hands, holding them in between his," I'm your best friend, let me help you. Please."

Harry looks at the bed, trying to avoid Ron's eyes. He didn't know how he was going to explain it to Ron without Ron wanting to go kill Malfoy. He knew he had to talk, so he sucked it up.

"Things were amazing at first. I had just come out, Draco and I got together and he moved in. It was like magic for the first six months," Harry paused, biting his lip, "then we started arguing more. About everything. It was like we were different people. He started sleeping in the guest room and we couldn't look each other in the eye."

"What happened after that?" Ron pressed, then holding back, not wanting to smother Harry.

"When we were arguing, he got extremely upset and slapped me. At first, the realized he was wrong and apologized, and again things were fine, just, it lasted for only a month this time around. I went out with you and the other guys and Draco didn't like that. I forgot to text him and you had to drag me home. It didn't look pretty." Harry started to squirm at the memory, but then he saw Eon's concerned face.

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