Draco x Harry ~ The Love Tonight

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A/N: people liked the last one so I'll do this one before I get back to my other one.


The trio walked together in a sort of rhythmic harmony, they were talking as they normally did when they ran into the one and only Draco, who was alone for once.

"Hello Potter, you look worse than usual." Draco snorted.

"Funny, I swear that you smell worse than usual, but you smell of spoiled Rick kid half the time anyways." Harry retorted.

"I need to talk to you Potter.... Alone." Draco informed.

"Fine. Wait here." The two walked off to the courtyard to talk and Ron and Hermione waited at the edge of the courtyard, looking at them.

"It's getting dark. We need to get back before curfew." Ron sighed heavily. Hermione noticed this sort of unspoken language in the pairs movements and the way they flinched and recoiled at harsh words. She sighed, humming slightly before she started singing.

"I can see what's happening."


"And Ron doesn't have a clue."


"They'll fall in love and here's the bottom line, Our trio's down to two."

Hermione put an emphasis on two.

"Oh." Ron muttered.

"The sweet caress of twilight, there's magic everywhere, and with all this romantic atmosphere, disaster's in the air!"

She almost belted out the next lyrics in a joking manor.

"Can you feel the love tonight?"

"Hermione, what are you talking about?"

"The peace the evening brings. The world, for once, in perfect harmony with all its living things."

"Hermione, they're literally pushing each other."

Harry looked at Draco as he looked away, angry and furious. He decided to sing softly.

"So many things to tell him, but how to make him see. The truth about my past? Impossible! He'd turn away from me."

Draco turned head to Harry, somehow not hearing him as Hermione continued her song.

"He's holding back, he's hiding. But what, I can't decide. Why won't he be the Gryffindor I know he is. The Gryffindor I see inside?"

Ron started to catch on and joined Hermione in the next verse.

"Can you feel the love tonight?
The peace the evening brings,
The world, for once, in perfect harmony, with all its living things!
Can you feel the love tonight?
You needn't look too far
Stealing through the night's uncertainties."

Hermione saw Harry was struggling and sighed.

"Love is where they are
And if he falls in love tonight, It can be assumed, His carefree days with us are history. In short, our pal is doomed."

The pair looked at each other and then at their friend.

"He's doomed." Ron sighed.

"He is. Still, what can we do? He has to admit to Draco what he feels, and even then, we'll no longer be able to spend all his free time with him." Hermione sighed.

"We can't hold him back though." Ron reminded.

Hermione looked over again, "I know Ron. I want what's best for him, he's one of my best friends and he's your best friend, but we're allowed to feel things, we're allowed to want him to ourselves," Hermione sighed again, "I hope he can let out his feeling, before thins go awry." The pair left, yelling to Harry they're going ahead, he simply nodded.

"M-Draco. Look, I know I shouldn't have done it, and I regret it, okay? I just, I Donny know how to express myself properly, I never had a parent to tell me what's truly right or wrong, just a messed up ideology." Harry admitted.

"My parents never taught me anything. They were cold and unloving and I was never hugged as a child. Where was I supposed to learn. I only know how to be snide." Draco sighed softly, "Harry, I don't want to fight anymore, we've done it so long for no reason, we just fought."

"No reason, you were racist! You were arrogant!" Harry defended.

"Someone one told me you are your parents clone until you finally get a mind of your own. I've learned, so much. It was probably Granger's punch that set me straight, got me smack across the jaw." Draco smiled a bit.

Harry moved closer, "so you're saying that you've changed?" He asked.

"Of course I have! Harry, I can't stand this fighting, I really can't." Draco moved closer as well.

"I want to tell you something..." Harry said softly.

"I do too, but actions speak louder than words sometimes." Draco wrapped his arms around Harry's neck and leaned in to kiss him. Harry met him in the middle and the pair shared a sweet kiss, letting their emotions flow through them and into the kiss.

"So, how long do you suppose it will be before they get together?" Ron asked.

"They're probably kissing by now. They just needed privacy." Hermione shrugged.

"Maybe. They're going to be late for curfew." Ron laughed a bit.

"Draco's a prefect, he can walk Harry back and he won't get in trouble." Hermione reminded.

"Right... wait, I'm a prefect!" Ron exclaimed.

"Took you long enough to remember."


"Thanks for walking me back Draco." Harry smiled.

"It's nothing. So, I'll see you tomorrow?" Draco questioned.

"Yeah Draco, I'll see you tomorrow." They shared one last kiss before Draco headed back and Harry entered the dorms after answering the painting password. Harry headed up to his dorm room where the guys were talking about pointless things.

"So Harry, you two dating yet? Hermione and I have a bet and if you say yes, she wins." Ron informed.

"Was that wise?" Harry raised his brow.

"If she wins I go on a date with her, that's it." Ron shrugged.

"Yeah, I got together with him. It took me who knows how long to get back." Harry smiled.

"You and Malfoy got together? Huh, never expected that. Seamus?" Dean held out his hand as Seamus forked over some galleons.

"How many people were betting on us?" Harry asked. As he watched everyone pass around money, he realized a lot.

"Pretty much everyone. Pansy and Blaise owe me the equivalent of one hundred euros." Dean informed.

"Glad to see you benefit from my relationship." Harry dad sarcastically.

"We get it, we won't do it in the future."

"Good. Merlin this school is weird."



A/N: More plot than song but hey, it fits so well!

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