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A/N: so I'm thinking of writing a doctor who fan fiction. Should I?


The grounds of Hogwarts were quiet. Bodies lay lifeless on the ground. The eyes forever open with fear and determination. Their skin was deathly cold. The school was in ruins. The bridge was destroyed, one whole side of the school caved in.

People were searching for their loved ones, hoping they were not part of the dozens outside.

"The school is in ruins. We'll have to rebuild it." Mcglonigal said with a sigh.

"We'll help." Some of the teachers said.

"Just a thought, could you add technology? Not all of us lived in the wizard world our whole life." A student said.

"You're a seventh year. You're not coming back next year." A teacher said. The kid left. Madame Pomfrey tended to the wounded and tried to help them. She passed the limp bodies, trying not to look at them.

This is the aftershock. Even though Voldemort was vanquished, never to return again, nothing can be reversed. There were sill dozens dead, the castle still destroyed, the students scarred.

You would be too if you saw all the death and destruction they saw. Harry just got back from returning the elder wand to Dumbledore's grave and he went to the body of Remus and Tonks. They weren't buried yet. He sat next to them.

"It's finally over. Voldemort's gone. He can't do this again. It's so unfair he took so many lives. Fred, dad, mom, Snape, you, Tonks, moody, Sirius. There were so many others. I'm sad I don't know all. He took so many lives. Cedric, Peter, even if they weren't good, he didn't have the right to take their lives. Bellatrix killed Dobby. So many people." Harry whispered to the dead body of Remus.

A hand rested on Harry's shoulder, though no one could see who had their hand there, nor could Harry feel it. Everyone who died, who Harry ever cared about, stood behind h. No one could see, because they were gone. Just ghosts I guess. They were more like their souls.

"Don't cry Harry. We're together. That's all that matters." Remus said. He knew Harry couldn't hear him, but he knew he felt it.

"At least they're together." Harry whispered. His emerald green eyes were on the verge of tears, his lips curved to a slight smile.

"Let's leave." Sirius said. The others nodded.

"We love you Harry." James and Lily said together. Then, they were gone.

"Come on Harry, let's help clean up some of the rubble." Hermione said. Harry stood up and followed his two friends outside, were the mending can begin.


A/N: I will try to post often, but I get back from break Monday, so I might not be able to post as much as I hope to.

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