Draco x Harry ~ Childish

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A/N: so, after finding probably the cutest pictures of my favorite ships, I decided to use them all in my next one shots because cute pictures are awesome. And this picture pertains to the story!


"Why did I have to get paired with you?" Draco snorted as he and Harry worked on potions together.

"I don't like it either Malfoy. Here, we need to see if we made it correctly." Harry sighed.

"I'll test it. If I die then I funny have to deal with you." Draco snorted. They were supposed to be making love potions, and well, everyone was successful so far.

Smoke suddenly exploded and flooded the room. Everyone one coughing,

"What happened?" Snape demanded.

"I don't know!" Students yelled. When the smoke settled, Draco was gone, and in his place, a six year old kid. It had the same look as Malfoy....

"Professor Snape, it appears Malfoy has turned into a child." Harry informed. Everyone looked over where Draco was now a child. Luckily for all of them, it appeared whatever the potion did also shrunk his clothes.

"I'm guessing this result was caused by your potion?" Snape questioned.

"Unfortunately, yes." Harry groaned.

"Well, while I figure out how this happened, Mr. Malfoy is now under your care." Snape sighed heavily, rubbing his temples.

"What! You ca-"

"Your potion caused this, so it's your responsibility. I will notify the other teachers." Snape sighed again. "Class dismissed." Harry sighed and looked at Draco, who was sat on the floor. Everyone stared curiously at Harry and Draco.

"Hi there." Harry smiled awkwardly. Draco looked up, his eyes going wide.

"Woah, you look cool!" Draco exclaimed, causing a bit of shock from people.

"Thanks?" Harry sighed.

"Are you the Harry Potter that everyone always talks about?" Draco asked.

"I am." Harry smiled.

"That's so cool!" Harry sighed and picked Draco up, who happily clung to Harry.

"This is the weirdest thing to happen to me." Harry admitted.

"Who knew Draco was such a fanboy." Pansy giggled.

"No, that explains some things." Hermione muttered.

"He's so cute!" Pansy giggled, walking closer. Draco looked at her, then buried his face in Harry's robes.

"I guess he's not a big fan of people at this age." Harry guessed.

Well, classes are over for the day. What are you going to do?" Ron asked.

"We have a bit until dinner. I'm going to take a walk by the lake." Harry admitted.

"Well, good luck." Ron joking patter Harry on the back.

"You are of no help." Harry groaned and walked out. It spread surprisingly quick that Draco was turned into a little kid, and everyone was itching to see him. Harry managed to escape. When they were outside, and a bit away from the castle, Harry set Draco on the ground "You okay there?" Harry asked.

Draco nodded, "people are scary." He whined.

"Well, you can just spend time with me." Harry smiled sweetly.

"Yay!" Draco giggled, hugging Harry, only reaching a little bellow his waist. Harry felt all fuzzy inside. Draco was adorable. He knew Draco would go back to being a prat eventually, but he'd enjoy hanging with a nicer Draco until then.  They walked towards the lake, Draco talking about absolute nonsense as they walked.

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