Detention W/ Dumbledore ~ The Pocky Challenge

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A/N: this series of one shot now has 100 parts! Wow! Unfortunately, there's 9 author's notes, so only 91 one shots. Nine more to go until 100. Still, I'm really happy I came back to these one shots.

And about this one shot... The series detention w/ Dumbledore will not be linear and some won't be connected at all because I'm doing all three generations with it. Not just the golden trio. But the 2nd generation will have to wait until I re-read the cursed child.

This detention challenge will involve more than two people. I wanted to make it a bit funnier, still being the pocky challenge. It's also a very short chapter, mostly just a fan service like chapter with little hesitation. It was silly in my mind. Anyways!

"Why are we all in detention?" Ginny asked.

"I think they're just making up for all the times we didn't get caught." Ron suggested.

"A lot of people here didn't do anything even worth detention. I mean, Neville is more of a victim than anything." Harry commented.

"Dumbledore left a note on the table." Blaise sighed.

"Oh, I'll read it." Harry grabbed the parchment. "I'm sure all of you are wondering why you got detention. Many teachers noticed behavioral problems in between some students and decided we need to make amends. So, for your detention, you'll be doing what the muggles call, 'the pocky challenge.' If you want to leave, you and another person must meet in the middle of a stick of pocky without breaking it. If you try to leave before finishing, you will be given more detention. Only one person will remain since there is an odd amount of you. They are allowed to leave when everyone else does."

"The Pocky game? That's a game for lovers." Hermione remarked, making a sour face.

"Why's that?" Luna asked.

"When you meet in the middle, you kiss." Hermione bluntly informed.

"Is Dumbledore on something?" Draco muttered.

"Well, who wants to start? You have to do the game with the person to your right." Harry explained.

"I'll start." Luna offered with a giant smile. Harry shrugged and opened the box of picky that sat in front of them, handing her a pocky stick. The person to Luna's right was Neville. Luna stuck the non chocolate end in her mouth and turned to Neville, who was a bit flustered. Hesitantly, Neville took one end of the pocky and they both started eating towards the middle. Neville looked like he wanted to back out, but Luna got him to finish with her. The pair got up and left right after.

"Of course it's those two that get out first." Draco muttered.

"What was that Draco?" Pansy hummed.

"Nothing, nothing. I'll be out soon enough." Draco leaned back as Blaise took the stand.

"My turn?" Blaise shrugged and turned to his right, seeing the one and only Ginny. He stuck the pocky in his mouth and offered her the second part. They both got two bites before pulling away. "I may not find Weasley as a threat, but there's no way I'm kissing his sister." Blaise moved away.

"Good choice Mate." Ron said from Blaise's left. Ginny only sighed and put a pocky stick in her mouth. She faces Hermione and the two have a silent look of, 'in not backing out, are you?' Before engaging. They ate towards the middle and finished it, pecking lips. They pulled away and wiped their lips.

"Let's get out of here, I got potions homework to finish." Hermione sighed.

"I got DADA homework." The pair left leaving slight shock with Ron.

"Well, Dean?" Seamus put a price of chocolate pocky in his mouth and raised a brow at Ginny's boyfriend.

"Sure, why not?" They, like the past pair, are towards the middle and finished the game. They left, sayings something to Harry before they left.

"It's my turn!" Pansy giggled. She turned to face Draco, who looked like he'd rather be anywhere else. He took the other end after Pansy took one. He then promptly chomped one bit and pulled away.

"Harsh." Ron Snickered. Draco took the next piece and faced the boy who lived. Harry took the other end they slowly ate towards the middle. They knew they had a smaller audience and did as they pleased. When they met in the middle, they had a full on kiss. They pulled away with a smile and got up, brushing off their clothes.

"We we're going to study for potions, weren't we?" Draco reminded.

"Like we need to study." The pair left and only three remained. Ron saw his options and went for the less bitchy one. Blaise thought the same as they finished their pocky stick in the middle as kissed. They left leaving pansy alone.

"Merlin, I never get any action. Everyone at this school is either gay, or a lunatic!" With that, she got up and marched out of the room.

The next day

When everyone was sat to eat, the events of detention only in the minds of those who were there, the morning paper arrived. Along with the usual, there was also a never before seen school addition.

'What Happens in Detention Stays in Detention'

As soon as the paper landed, muffled screams were heard at every table except the hufflepuffs.....

Merlin Dumbledore. I'll have what he's on!


A/N:Sorry for the crappy chapter, I just wanted a silly one shot. The next one shot will be funnier and an actual full on one shot. Anyways, I love you guys and I'll see you in the next one shot!

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