Hogwarts ~ What The Fuck (Episode 1: Pilot)

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A/N: this will be a new type of one shots where I will accept OC's. OC's are own characters which I hope you know means yourself in this situation. only part I will accept them. It will feature the golden trio's generation and the hassles of being at Hogwarts. For the first episode, it will follow my OC's so you get a gist of what you need to tell me.

This series will be the day to say life of these characters at Hogwarts and their interactions. It will start 5th year. So, keep that in mind.

Anyways, here we go!


"Savannah, Savannah!" A voice rumbled the teenage girl awake. Groggy eyes, the dark blonde Ravenclaw raised her head, looking up with her Honey brown eyes at Harry Potter. The boy with gorgeous green eyes and the messiest of black hair. What was he doing here?

"Huh? What are you doing here Harry, this is the... oh, it's the library. Must've dosed off studying." Savannah wiped at her eyes and gently slapped her cheeks to make herself more awake.

"Shh! Snape and Mr. Finch are close by. You aren't supposed to be here this late. Come here." Savannah scrunched her brows and got up, grabbing her things.

"What are yo-" Harry threw something over them. "What's the big idea?!" Savannah almost yelled.

"Shh! We have to get out of here!" Harry pulled Savannah close to him. Savannah was small as is, a measly 5'4, but Harry was barely any taller, maybe 5'5 to 5'7.

"And what does this cloak do to help?" Savannah whispered.

"It's an invisibility cloak. Come on." The pair walked towards the entrance, forced to a stop where Snape was having a conversation with Finch.

"I could've sworn a student came in here." Finch grumbled.

"You seemed to be mistaking. If they managed to sneak out, we would've spotted them by now." Snape remarked.

"I guess your right, but-"

"Goodnight Mr. Finch." Snape walked away from the two and Finch did the same after a minute. Savannah was almost tempted to talk, but decided against it. When the two were far enough away, Harry removed the cloak.

"You have to stop falling asleep in the library. Get a hobby or something." Harry groaned.

"I have a hobby, studying. Besides, you didn't have to come help me! I'm a capable fifth year after all!" Savannah pushed up the glasses on her face and glared a bit at Harry. Harry rubbed his temples.

"No wonder you and Hermione are friends, dear Merlin." Savannah leaned against a wall.

"Why did you come help me? How'd you even know I was in the library?" Savannah questioned.

"Oh, this map Fred and George gave me. I always end up checking it before bed." Harry pulled out a blank map. "I solemnly swear I'm up to no good." Savannah nearly had a heart attack when the blank parchment started to darken with ink and footprints and names appeared all over it.

"This is... amazing!" Savannah exclaimed quietly.

"It is. It helps a lot." Harry smiled.

"Well, anyways, I need to get back to my house, my friends must be terribly worried for me." Savannah fretted.

"Don't worry, I'll bring you back. First, can't I get a kiss for being so brave?" Harry jokingly asks.

"Oh no, I'm no damsel. Besides, I don't kiss until the third date. Ask me out and maybe." Savannah gave Harry a heavily sarcastic wink before walking ahead. Harry had to run to catch up.

"Merlin Savannah, always so cold." Harry mocked being hurt, smiling a bit.

"Oh, my heart could freeze hell over." Savannah bantered.

"This is ridiculous." Harry laughed. Both made it to the Ravenclaw dorms entrance in no time.

"See you tomorrow Harry. Don't get caught on the way back." Savannah tucked her shoulder length hair behind her ear.

"I won't. This isn't the first time I sneaked out." Harry kissed Savannah's cheek and rushed off. Savannah blushed.

"What is with that boy? Why me?" Savannah groaned.

"Oh, you're out late, studying I hope." The portrait of Rowena Ravenclaw commented near the knocker.

"I was." Savannah sighed. She asnwered the knocker's riddle, avoiding judging stares of the Rowena Ravenclaw portrait and went inside the dorms, heading directly up to her room, and collapsing on her bed. She was careful not to make a noise. "What's up with this school?"

A/N: so, if you didn't get it, if you want to be in the story, I need

Your name:first name, and fake last name of you Donny want to use your actual last name

Your appearance: this is obvious though.

Your house: seriously, I need that shit.

Your year: I'm fifteen, so I'd be 5th year. My birthday is in summer, so keep in mind the whole birthday thing

Who you want to be paired with: if you don't want to be paired with someone, say so, but keep in mind only 1 person for a character, and my character will be with Harry.

Status: I didn't say it in the story, but my character is a pure blood. I need to know so I can tell how characters react to you

Relationships: your exes(in story) and who you're friends with in the storyZ

That's it. Comment below if you want to be in it. And comment if you think this should become a full on mini series in these one shots.

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