Draco x Harry ~ Enemies With Benefits

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A/N: I will get to the requests I promised to do, but again,  I'm not taking any more, so sorry. It's temporary! I just feel like the one shots will longer be, my thing if i keep taking requests non stop, though I love hearing your idea. I just keep getting spammed, not to point anyone out. Some people disregard my discomfort with certain ships and refuse to stop asking for that ship. Anyways, enough with that, to the story

There was also supposed to be smut, but I decided to go with a softer side to what would normally be a story with shit ton of smut.


Disgusting, wicked, twisted, manipulative.

All words Harry would use to describe his relationship with Malfoy.

Malfoy was vile, repulsive (though good looking) a bastard. Yet their relationship stayed the way it was.

The pair casted snide remarks at each other during the day and each night they'd find a place to vent their frustrations in a non violent way.

"Harry, you got a bug bite or something on your collar." Ron pointed out casually. Harry looked to where Ron was gesturing, knowing full well that the idiot Draco left a hickey on him.

"Guess I got it during training yesterday. I'll put something on it later." Harry shrugged and buttoned his shirt a little more so the mark was hidden.

"I think Malfoy's getting attacked by a cat or something, he has scratch marks on his back." Hermione commented as she sat down.

"Really, on only his back?" Harry snorted.

"That or he somehow is having tough sex which is not something I want to picture." Hermione grimaced.

"Just imagine having to look up at his ugly mug while doing it?" Ginny gagged.

"Guys, you're being a bit harsh, I don't like the guy, but I can admit he has looks and brains. He may be an evil shit, but people are into that." Harry unintentionally defended.

"I guess you're right." Hermione sighed.

"Still, I can't imagine anyone into him." Ron mumbled.

"Maybe Pansy." Harry suggested casually.

"Hmm, maybe."

"Draco, why do you keep getting scratches on your back?" Pansy asked gingerly.

"Cat attacks. Those little monsters don't like me and I don't like them either." Pansy pouted.

"But cats are so cute!!!"

"To each their own." Draco snorted.

"If you need some medicine for it, I can sneak some from the medical wing." Pansy offered.

"Don't bother, more will appear soon enough." Blaise sighed. The only person besides Draco and Harry to know about the relationship. He walked in on them and was sworn to secrecy. Like he cared. As long as the two didn't drag him down he couldn't care less.

The day passed by with few interactions between Draco and Harry, just snide remarks here and there. When night finally arrived, the pair sneaked out of their dorms and headed to the room of requirements. Both had complaints.

"Draco, you need to stop leaving hickeys when you top! People are going to catch on that it's not bug bites!" Harry exclaimed.

Draco sneered, "at least I don't claw at your bloody back you twatt! I can't explain this to people!"

"I just got an idea!" Harry sighed loudly.

"And what's that Potter?" Draco asked.

"We stop this! Neither of us like each other and I can't even remember why we started this in the first place!" Harry shouted. Draco ducked his head, scratching the back of his neck.

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