Percy x Oliver ~ Our First Mistake

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A/N: So this is like the last one, but slightly different.

The idea is from @ImTheJudge


"Percy! Percy! Peeeeeeeeercyyyyy!" Oliver kept calling out his roommates name, hoping to get his attention.

"What is it Oliver?" Percy snapped.

"Guess who made the Quidditch team?" Oliver happily prodded.

"Well, considering your happy attitude, your persistence... Penelope Clearwater?" Percy snorted sarcastically.

"You're no fun Percy. I made the team! I'm a keeper!" Oliver giddily informed. You sure are.

"Good for you, let me study." Percy sighed. Oliver frowned and wrapped his arms around Percy.

"Percy," he started,"I want you to come to my first game. It would mean a lot to me. Can I expect you to be there?" He asked softly. Percy felt his heart skip a beat while Oliver talked.

He thought about it for a minute before deciding,"fine. Only this one time."

"Thank you Percy, you're the best!" Oliver smiled and hugged Percy from behind.

"I-idiot! This is nothing." Percy shrugged off Oliver making the boy pout a bit, which was quite the site because Oliver was handsome, with lots of muscle while Percy was more of the cute one.

"I'm just glad you're going. Anyways, I'm going to turn in early, I have to train early tomorrow." Oliver informed.

"Not doing any homework first?" Percy snorted.

"Already did it." Oliver admitted as he went over to his bed and fell on it. Percy was shocked, and it hit him that he and Oliver wouldn't be able to hang out as often now that he's joined the Quidditch team.

After half an hour after fretting and being barely able to concentrate, Percy finished his homework and went to bed himself. His mind fluttering and thinking of things he never really bothered to think about before.

"Today's the big game!" Oliver attempted to yank Percy away from his bed. Percy rolled his eyes and set the book he was reading down.

"Honestly," Percy huffed, "You sure are excited."

Oliver just beamed,"it's my first game after all! I'm making all the goals I can." Percy couldn't help but smile at Oliver as his heart fluttered looking at him.

"Good luck Oliver." Percy hugged Oliver tightly, nearly making Oliver have a heart attack. Oliver was blushing ferociously.

"T-thanks." Oliver pushed Percy away.

"No need to get nervous." Percy chuckled. "Well, you wanted me to go right? Let's go right now." Percy grabbed Oliver's hand, which made him even more nervous than Oliver.

They headed to the field and parted ways and Percy headed up to the stands while Oliver went to get ready.

"Percy, didn't expect to see you here." The twins were already in the stand.

"I bet you two will be on the team next year."Percy joked.

"Give Ron something to admire when he comes in two years." Fred grinned.

"Yeah right." The two twins looked at the field and so did Percy. The game started soon after. Slytherin vs Gryffindor. Everyone was screaming absolute nonsense as each point was made.

Percy couldn't take his eyes off Oliver. He stared at the boy with this dreamy look and cheered after every goal made by him. At one point, when Oliver was on his way to make a goal, he flew by the stands just to say high, then blasted over to the goal to score.

"He's pretty impressive. Think they'll appoint him captain soon enough." Fred smiled. The first year twins happily watched the game as their third year brother was watching a different game. Oliver's alone.

"Oh no, there's a bludger heading Oliver's way!" The twins exclaimed and Percy snapped his vision to the bluffer in question that was speeding towards Oliver's head. Before he could say anything, three things happened. The Seeker caught the snitch, giving Gryffindor the win, the crowd went wild? And Oliver got knocked unconscious by being hit in the head with a bludger. The cheering from the Gryffindors stopped as the team flew to where Oliver was passed out and barely breathing.

"That idiot!" Percy rushed to help his best friend out. They almost stopped him but someone on the team said he was a close friend of Oliver's.

"What do you think?" One of the team mates mumbled.

"I may be young, but I can assure you, he's gonna be out for awhile." Percy sighed, checking Oliver's breathing. It was regulating. Oliver seemed to be dreaming peacefully. "We need to bring him to the medical wing."

"We got it. You're a lot like your older brothers Percy." Some complimented, but for some reason those words stung him a little.

It took a full week before Oliver woke up. His eyes fluttered open and immediately he saw his teammates who came to check on him.

"You're finally awake. Too bad the Percy kid left not to long ago." The team captain chuckledX

"What happened, and where's Percy?" Oliver rasped, sitting up.

"Woah, calm down. You were in a come for a week and Percy should be in his Dorm." With that said, Oliver jumped out of bed, still wearing his team uniform.

"Well, thanks for visiting, I'll see you at practice. Got to go tell my roommate something." He brushed past them and the team watched him leave.

"He's really something.

Percy was working on his homework. His mind a mess and it took him away from his assignments. He was struggling through them all, worried about his idiot friend who laid in the medical wing.

"Why him. Merlin, why him?" He muttered to himself.

His head snapped up when he heard the dorm door open. Oliver walked in and it nearly gave Percy a heart attack. He almost thought he was seeing a ghost. Percy rose to his feet and stared, mouth gaping open in shock.

"I'm awake now." Oliver grinned.

"Yeah," Percy paused,"I can see that."

"Well, after having that terrifying experience, I thought I should do what I want since life can be short." Oliver stalked over to Percy and pushed him down back onto his chair, grabbing his face and kissing him. Percy didn't respond right away, he was shocked. Oliver was about to back away since Percy wasn't giving a reaction, but Percy then wrapped his arms around Oliver and started kissing back.

It was a sloppy mess, both boys new to the idea of kissing. To them, it was the greatest thing, the greatest feeling ever. That was all that mattered. They pulled away, a single strand of saliva connecting the two of them. They both stared at each other, Percy looking up at Oliver. Then, they laughed. They happily laughed.

Their feeling were accepted, and returned at that! There was nothing that could damper their mood.

"Percy, I like you."

"I like you two you massive idiot."


A/N: wow, a lot of Percy x Oliver one shots lately. Can't help that I love it and people keep requesting it. So happy. Oh yeah, since today is Sunday, requests for this one shot are officially closed for the time being. I'll do the ones that were requested before today, so don't worry, but I won't be accepting any more for the time being.

I love ya guys and I'll see all you, in the next one shot! Buh bye!

(Obvious reference is obvious)

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