Julia x Albus ~ Secret Santa

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A/N: Before you all yell at me for using a character that wasn't in the book, I warned you that I will be using the characters I added for my second generation one shots. Anyways, this chapter is dedicated to NoSuchThingAs_Normal


"Savannah, you think Albus will like his gift?" Julia asks Savannah.

"I don't know. But check this out, I got Scorpius the new broomstick. Yeah, it's expensive, but he deserves it. The firebolt 2000 is sure to beat Gryffindor." Savannah says, wrapping the gift.

"Why did we agree to secret Santa again?" Julia questions.

"Because it's fun. Now wrap up your gift so we can put it under the Christmas tree." Savannah says. Julia was the same year as Savannah, even though Savannah was older. They were in their third year.

"Fine." Julia grumbled. Julia wrapped the gift and the girls went to the large Christmas tree for secret Santa. They placed their gifts under the tree with the others before going to their tables for breakfast.

"Hey Savannah, you think Julia will like this?" Albus asked as he showed her a silver and blue diamond necklace with the Ravenclaw animal on it.

"She'll love it. Now wrap it up and put it under the tree." Savannah says. Albus wrapped the gift up and put it under the tree. Everyone would open the gifts tomorrow on Christmas Day.

"What did you get for Katie?" Rose asks Ann Marie.

"She loves the muggle band One Direction, so I bough her, their new album." Ann says. Rose nods.

~Next Day~

"Who's going first?" Savannah asks.

"You should since you arranged this whole thing." Katie jokes.

"Okay." Savannah reaches for the gift with her name on it. She opens it and finds a brand new electric guitar. "Oh my god." She squeals.

"You are welcome." Scorpius says.

"You're my secret Santa? Thank you!" Savannah hugs Scorpius.

"I'll go next." Katie said. She opened her gift to find the One Direction Album.

"Welcome." Ann says.

"Aww." Katie responded. Everyone was taking turns opening their gifts. Scorpius kissed Savannah's cheek after seeing what she got him. Then it was just Julia and Albus left. Albus went first.

"Is this?" He questioned, not believing it.

"A potion book with different potions such as Felix felicsoius that took me forever to make? Then yes." Julia blushed.

"Thank you! Now open your gift. It's from me." He hands her the gift and Julia unwraps it. When she opens the brown box, she gasped seeing the beautiful necklace.

"This is so beautiful. Thank you Albus!" She kissed him on the lips, definitely catching him by surprise, but he didn't really mind. He kissed her back.

"Your welcome. Maybe I should give you gifts more often." Albus jokes. Both were blushing.

"Who had December in the betting pool?" Rose questions.

"Savannah." Lily said, sitting next to Hugo.

"Fork it over." Everyone besides Albus and Julia gave her a galleon.

"Why am I not surprised?" Julia questions with embarrassment.

"I'm a Slytherin, what did you expect?" Savannah asks. Albus put the necklace on Julia and later asked her out. It was probably the best Christmas in a long time.


A/N: Wasn't that cute?

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