Percy x Oliver ~ Magic (A High School AU)

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A/N: this is a buffer before my next requested story since I love writing and I can't always write requests.

Remember you have til this Saturday to leave requests.


"Hey Percy!" The Ginger paused and turned towards his brother Ron, who was calling after him.

"Ron, I already told you I'm spending the weekend at Oliver's house to finish our History project." Percy sighed and looked at Oliver through the Corner of his eye. Oliver simply shrugged. Percy had missed the school day too because he was in bed sick.

"But after the whole incident with Draco and Harry, you're just not going to react?" Ron asked.

"Ron, it's not my business to interfere. Besides, considering most of my days in theater was filled with the girls requesting they make out, I'm not shocked." Percy sighed. "Let's go Oliver, or we'll never get this project done." Oliver nodded and got in his car. "Ron, I know you're fretting over this, but it's not like Harry's changed has he, and you made it worse since Pansy had her outburst immediately after. Imagine how they must feel." Percy got in Oliver's car and they drove away from the Weasley home, which was six houses away from Hermione's home.

"I'm surprised. Not with the whole Harry and Draco thing, we had a betting pool and everything, I'm just surprised people are acting so violently about it." Oliver sighed as they pulled out of the neighborhood.

"I'm surprised how dense my brother is. My whole family really, Ginny being an exception." Oliver briefly glanced at Percy then moved his attention back to the road.

"You don't mean that." Oliver sighed.

"I love them, I really do, but we've been dating since forever. It started as a joke and now we're actually dating." Percy groaned.

"Yeah, I gave you a rose I found when we were in fourth grade. I had bandages all over my fingers." Oliver recalled softly.

"You were so shy back then too. Worse than I was. It took you until freshman year to kiss me." Percy smiled at the memory. The awkwardness of it all.

"Can you blame me? To me, you were untouchable. I had you, yet I didn't. I still feel that way mister valedictorian." Oliver snorted.

"Thanks for the compliment, but you're truly impressive. You manage to be on every sports team this school has to offer. At least you used to be. Now you stick to Football." Percy commented.

"I was restricted. I had less time to spend with you." Percy smiled at Oliver's blushing face as they pulled in Oliver's driveway, the entire drive had gone by in a flash.

"You know just the right words to say." Percy laughed softly. "So, your parents home?"

"They're gone for the weekend, and now that you lied and we have nothing to do.." Oliver trailed. Percy blushed.

"L-let's go inside first." The pair walked to the house, stopping at the door. Oliver stopped to kiss Percy, making it sweet, showing he was only kidding around.

"No way. Percy, Oliver?" The pair froze and jumped apart. The turned to the voice to see Draco and Harry headed to Harry's house.

"Please don't tell me you saw that?" Percy muttered as he covered his blushing face.

"You two are gay? Percy, we have a class together where we literally came out of the closet," this caused a snicker from Draco," and you didn't think to do the same?" Harry asked.

"I'll explain to you later, just, don't tell anyone what you saw." Oliver asked.

"We got it." The pair walked off and with the mood killed, Percy and Oliver walked inside.

"Welp, there go all of my plans for the weekend." Oliver joked as he fell on his couch, yanking Percy down with him. Their legs hung of the side and still, it felt comfortable to them.  Percy had his ear pressed against Oliver's chest, listening to his heartbeat.

"Should we come out? We've been together so long and it's weird we have to hide the fact we're together." Percy whispered.

"I'm not afraid if you aren't. I always take you into account before I make any big decisions." Oliver admitted.

"Oh, what a dedicated boyfriend you are." Percy smiled, lifting his head to look at Oliver. A switch was suddenly flipped as Percy kissed Oliver, hands against chest as he proactively made out with Oliver.

Oliver stuck a hand into Percy's jeans as they grinder against each other and grabbed Percy's ass. The pair got lost in the moment as clothes were discarded left and right.

Monday morning, Percy and Oliver were chosen to do announcements. Percy got the bright idea to surprise the school and got everyone else to agree. After his friends got blasted by the initial shock, they quickly agreed.

At their school, Hogwarts high, the news was live, and everyone tuned into it.

"We're rolling in five, four, three, two, action."

"I'm Percy Weasley, Student body president and future valedictorian." Percy introduced.

"And I'm glad to be here." Oliver joked, causing the crew to snicker.

"And that's Oliver Wood. Today before we get to the actual announcements, we're going to address an issue that happened last week involving two students." Percy continued, clearing his thoughts.

"We know it may come as a shock to you, but there are people in this world who like the same sex, or maybe both, so we hope you can learn to accept that and not treat each other badly." Oliver added.

"And this may seem like bullying because we're 'calling people out' but we aren't. We're calling ourselves out." Percy shrugged, letting that sit for a few seconds.

"Don't get it? He's a visual sample." Oliver yanked Percy too him and kissed him on camera, letting the classes watch the display. Considering both of them popularity around the school, it would probably be a shock for a few people. The minute Oliver pulled away from Percy they faced the camera again.

"And now that we finally have that out of the way, games were canceled do to the heavy rain last night causing a massive mud slide on the field." Percy smiled.

"Lunch for today will be the generic glob they always serve that has questionable nutritional value." Percy rolled his eyes at Oliver's joke.

"Today's lunch," Oliver started, "will be Chicken nuggets and fries." Oliver feigned shock and the crew was losing it. The news went on for fifteen minutes and then the two ended it. Percy smiled at Oliver antics.

"Not the chickens! And before we end today's announcements, be sure to support the school fundraiser. May the better grade win." The announcements ended and the pair stretched.

"You always have to goof around don't you?" Percy snickered.

"You looked be it." Oliver pressed a quick kiss to Percy's lips and Percy simply blushed.

"How long have you two been dating?" The pair's friend, Neville asked.

"Seriously or technically?" Both boys hummed.

Neville raised a brow, "both?"

"Well, Oliver gave me a rose in fifth grade and asked me out, but it really wasn't until freshman year that we started officially going out." Percy admitted.

"Cute." Neville smiled.

"You guys are gonna get some pretty judging stares considering who you two are." Hanna puffed.

"We agreed to it, its okay. I'll walk you to class." Oliver offered his hand and Percy took it as the pair left with their things for first hour.

Definitely taking a lot of attention away from Draco and Harry, the pair made things a little better than they were.


A/N: I just got home like, half an hour ago. Canada was awesome. Everyone was so nice and their money smells like maple syrup! No joke! My group saw Men and Dolls and I loved it! Love you guys and see you in the next one shot!

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