Second Generation ~ Halloween

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A/N: might as well do this.


"Savannah, come on, let's see your costume." Albus and Scorpius shouted. Savannah ran down the steps. Both boys jaws dropped.

"What do you think?" She questions. Savannah dressed up as a vampire. Fangs poked out from her mouth. Her dress went to her knees and she looked beautiful.

"Amazing." Both boys said.

"Your costumes are great too." Savannah told them. The boys were dressed as Pokemon trainers.

"Thanks. We should meet up with the others." The three left for the great hall. They passed tons of people in costumes.

"There you guys are!" Rose exclaimed. Rose was dressed as a fairy. Katie was dressed as a ghost. Ann was dressed as a mermaid. Julia was dressed as a Ben from Ben ten. James was also dressed as a vampire.

"Fellow vampire." Savannah joked.

"Very funny." James said.

"Fifth year for us, seventh year for James. Seems like just yesterday, we all just met." Rose says.

"Yeah. Oh look, it's Lily." Savannah said. Lily was dressed like Starfire from Teen Titans.

"It's Halloween! Time for candy!" She exclaimed. Everyone laughed and they all went with others to go to classrooms to trick or treat. It was a new tradition at Hogwarts that the kids were glad for.


A/N: God, this is probably my shortest one shot yet.

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