Ron x Harry ~ Curious (Au)

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A/N: they're in the muggle world, no magic or anything, just something.

Also, don't ask how I know about half this shit. I've read fan fiction for way to long and Yaoi manga is to die for. So, yeah.

And if that didn't signal it to ya.

WARNING: There is semi-smutty content (not really). If you are uncomfortable with "sex toys" I would highly recommend you to skip this one shot. Even though there's no actual sex toys used in the smut. Well, you'll see. My warning still stays. Even if I didn't write a full on sex scene. (Barely smut)

This chapter is just two idiots being curious, so there ya go. But yeah, smut

"Harry! She broke up with me!" Ron groaned as he burst into Harry's apartment. Harry glanced up from his laptop with a raised brow.

"Another one? Ron, girls aren't going to date you if you keep getting dumped." Harry questioned.

"It's not my fault! I never felt like having sex with her since we just got together and then she gets mad because I'm impotent when we never even had sex before!" Ron exclaimed.

"Lavender is quite.... something?" Harry commented.

"Either way, she said I was less sexually active than a stationary dildo! And then she went on about how she would've been happier dating a sex toy! What the bloody hell is a sex toy?" Ron asked.

"Ron, if you haven't noticed, I'm also a male, granted I'm bisexual, but why would I know?" Harry questioned.

"I don't know. Google it or something!" Ron exclaimed.

"Fine, fine, " Harry opened a new tab and went to google, "female sex toys." He muttered.

"Why female?" Ron asked.

"Well, they're designed for females but I'm sure it could be used for males." Harry shrugged, looking at the results. "Huh, there's a lot of things here. Oh, wow." Harry clicked a link and scrolled through

"What is that?" Ron scrunched his face up.

"A vibrator.... how do these things please anyone? I mean, the dildo at least looks like a dick." Harry muttered.

"Harry, mate, I love ya, but you say the strangest things." Ron sighed.

"I'm not the one who asked what a bloody sex toy was you twat!" Harry snapped. "Oh Merlin, this description...."

"What?" Ron asked.

"For any of those who feel, dissatisfied in the bedroom, this vibrator will provide everything you want and more. It comes with ten different settings for any type of fun you may want to have. It can go anywhere your heart desires...." Harry made a slightly repulsed face.

"That sounds disgusting but at the same time, I'm curious." Ron said.

"What? You're kidding?" Harry commented.

"Well, I want to know what all the ruckus is about! Aren't you curious as well?" Ron questioned.

Harry rubbed his temples, "Ron, are you being serious?" He glanced up where Ron was, noticing his best friend had slightly red cheeks. "Oh Merlin, you are being serious. What do even plan on doing if you got your hands in one of these things?" He asked.

"I-I don't know!" Ron exclaimed, blushing a bit more. Harry sighed a bit, slightly upset with himself for giving in.

"I'm curious as well. I don't know what you plan on doing Ron, but if you need someone to help out, I guess I'll be here." Harry scratched the back of his neck.

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