Draco x Harry ~ A Thing For Quidditch Players

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A/N: the title could also be called

Harry Potter, The Man Whore
(J.k. I'm kidding)

so, I was looking at some of my favorite ships involving Harry and then the cannon ones, and I realized. Harry just has a thing for athletes. I mean: Cedric, Cho, Ginny, Draco, Ron.... ATHLETES! Quidditch players more specifically. So, I decided to write this.

In this, Harry is openly bisexual and the entire school knows about his past relationships and crushes. (He's kind of a man whore, lol)

And to make this work and all, I'm pretending Ron became part of the Gryffindor Quidditch team in fifth year so some of the thing I say make sense.

Warning: Smut! (Don't like, don't read)

It was a typical day at Hogwarts... or as typical as a day could be at this forsaken school, and Harry was sitting in the great hall with his best mate, and one of his past partners for a fling, Ron.

"Mate?" Ron hummed, trying to get Harry's attention.

"Yeah?" Harry responded, immediately ready to answer Ron's question.

"I didn't notice it until you and I were a thing, though that's long over, but you have a thing for Quidditch players, don't you? You dated a player from every house besides Slytherin." Ron commented.

"You just noticed that Ron? I got a clue when he and Cedric hooked up." Hermione hummed.

"Anyways, is what we're saying true? You only hit on Quidditch players?" Ron asked.

"I guess? It never really struck me before. Why do you ask?" Harry raised a brow at him.

"I'm asking because my sister joined the team." Ron huffed.

"You can ask her if we shagged or not, I'm sure she'd slap you." Harry rolled his eyes at Ron.

"You're so cruel to me Harry." Ron groaned.

"Ron, you're literally been there, done that." Hermione commented as she turned a page in her book.

"That's because I'm straight." Ron snorted.

Hermione looked up and watched in amusement as Harry leaned closer to Ron and put his lips right up to his ear, and whispered, "oh, shall I make you change your mind?"

"Merlin Harry, stop doing that!" Ron exclaimed, jumping a bit, causing a couple people to look over and notice the flustered Ginger and the smirking raven haired boy.

"Are you making Ron question his sexuality again?" Dean asked from farther down the table.

"Obviously." Harry chuckled.

Harry wasn't always so, fictitious about these things, but he found it was easier to drown out the pain if there was someone bye his side. Still, a bit of him felt numb, probably because he couldn't settle down.

"Oh Harry, weren't you going to check up on hedwig?" Hermione reminded.

"Right, thanks for reminding me. See you around. And Ron, at the moment, I'm still single." Harry playfully winked and walked out of the great hall. As he made his way to where hedwig was, he heard the all to familiar voice.

"Potter." Harry turned around to face the Slytherin.

"Malfoy." Harry rolled his eyes. The pair stared at each other for a solid minute, without a single word exchanged between the two.

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