Draco x Harry ~ Valentine's Day

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A/N: I'm posting a lot all at once. If you're wondering why, it's because I Get nervous and excited when my birthday is close and I have to busy myself.

This is the first time I've been happy for a Monday morning. So excited!


Draco sat lazily on his couch as he flipped trough some muggle magazines that Harry brought over last time he was there. The two had gotten somewhat close after the war, even if they still fought every now and then.

Still, Draco appreciated every time Harry came over, he learned to like Harry, and fell in love with him. Not that he'd tell anyone that, besides Pansy and Blaise of course, but still.

With it being Valentine's Day, he felt like he should do something, but he really couldn't do anything. He had no one to do things with. He was sure Harry was off with a girl he liked anyways, so he kinda gave up.

Suddenly, there was a knock at his door.

"Honestly," he walked to the door, opening it, "I'm not buying any-" he paused looking at the sight. "What the- Potter!" In front of him were two things. One, a giant stuffed teddy bear with a little red bow, and the other thing.... was Harry Fucking Potter.

Harry was in his boxers,  covered from head to toe in ribbons that bound his legs and arms. Ass an added touch, they covered his mouth too to muffle noise, and added a bow. Draco thanked Merlin for the sight, then read the note attached to Harry.

"For Draco,

I was whining about you all morning and decided to visit you. Pansy + Hermione have nothing to do with this. Happy Valentine's Day!"

Draco nearly laughed.

Harry was semi-glaring at him.

"Well uh... I'm wondering how they got you and the bear up here." Draco smirked. He shook his head and took off the ribbon.

"Those girls are ridiculous!" Harry complained as Draco let him in, dragging the teddy bear inside as well.

"So you were whining about me this morning?" Draco teased. Harry blushed.

"I will not admit to anything." Harry shushed.

Draco smirked, "uh huh?"

"Can I borrow some clothes, I'm freezing?" Harry asked.

"My room is down the hall, first door on the right." Draco informed lazily.

"Thanks." Harry walked off towards Draco's room while Draco fiddled with the bow on the teddy bear.

"Man, I should've taken the opportunity... no Draco, that would be rape, you aren't the like that." Draco groaned. He hugged the teddy bear, looking down the hall. "I'm going to make myself some tea." Draco walked to the kitchen and started making some earl grey tea. It wasn't necessarily his favorite, but Harry had got him the brand for his birthday, so he used it quite a bit.

In the middle of brewing, Harry suddenly put his arms around Draco and leaned on him.

"W-what are you doing Potter?" Draco asked, flushing.

"Hugging you." Harry sighed.

"Why do you feel the need to hug me?" Draco asked as he finished making two cups of tea.

"Well, I came over uninvited on Valentine's Day." Harry sighed.

"I don't mind, I enjoy the company. Here." Draco pulled away and put a cup of tea in Harry's hands.

"Thank you." Harry said happily.

"It's nothing." Draco sat on his couch with a cup of tea in hand, Harry sitting next to him. Harry choose to wear a green sweater and black jeans, and boy, did it look good on him. Green was definitely his color.

"I still can't believe those two. To go as far as to steal my clothes. And tie me up..." Harry sighed.

"How did they manage to drag you up here?" Draco asked.

"I don't remember. They brought the bear up first from what I'm aware of." Harry informed.

"Still, it's a bit impressive. Did you have any plans for today?" Draco hummed.

Harry shrugged, "not really. I'm single, so today's just another day." Harry admitted.

"You're single? I thought you were dating someone." Draco remarked.

"No, I've been single for a while now." Harry shrugged again, taking a sip from his tea.

"That's cool I guess. I'm single too." Draco casually mentioned.

"That so? Fun." The two awkwardly sat next to each other, drinking their tea, not sure what to say or do. "Do you have anyone you're interested in?" Harry asked.

"I do. What about you?" Draco returned.

Harry paused, "yeah, I like someone too. What the person you like, like?" Harry asks.

"Well, strong, sweet, kind, ridiculous, an idiot at times, but all around a pretty thoughtful person. What about you?" Draco smiled and took another sip of tea.

"Well, they're a bit of a prat at times and they're smart, adorable when they want to be, stupidly stubborn and I love everything about them." Harry said fondly. Draco blushed a bit, and decided to be bold.

"Are we going to talk about how we just described each other?" He was hesitant, but he wanted to confess to Harry. Harry blushed.

"Y-you were talking about me?" Harry stuttered.

"Harry," Draco paused, setting down his tea, "you are the only one who wears your personality well. If it was anyone else, I wouldn't have bothered. Of course I'm talking about you!" Harry set down his tea.

"This is not how I wanted to confess." Harry groaned.

"Did you want it to be all sunshine and rainbows, heat of the moment. Harry, real life isn't like that." Draco raised a brow at him.

"Well, if you like me, and I like you, would you be my valentine?" Harry asked.

"Of course I'll be your valentine! I love you moronic self." Draco smiled at Harry.

"Then... can I kiss you?" Harry asked.

"You have to ask?" Draco smiled, lunging forward and kissing Harry himself. The pair happily kissed each other, slowly and sweetly.  Harry turned them over so that Draco was lying on the couch and Harry was over him.

They only kissed that entire day. They never went farther, but they were happy.

"Think they actually had sex?" Pansy asks as she files her nails.

"Those idiots? Not a chance. It will take a lot longer before they even think about having sex." Hermione snorted.

"So Christmas?" Pansy joked.

"Definitely Christmas." The two girls laughed as they continued to hang out.


A/N: I love cute and short one shots! They make me all warm inside! Hope you enjoyed!

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