Percy x Oliver ~ Summer's Dare

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A/N: so this amazing chick @Phanbeliever2005 requested this for her best friend and, i'm the sentimental type, so Mia, you have an amazing friend.

To Mia from Rachel

And Mia, have fun on your trip!


"I'll see you when you next year." Oliver smiled.

"You know you're always welcome at the burrow." Percy grinned. The friends hugged before parting at the station. Percy joining his family and Oliver staying on the train to head home.

The burrow was as lively as ever, especially when everyone, besides Arthur and Molly sat outside on the grass.

"I'm glad summer is here, it's a nice buffer between the school years." Harry grinned softly.

"Percy, this will be your last summer as a student as well!" Ron commented.

"I guess so. You guys are going into third year, and Fred and George are going into fifth year and Ginny is going into second year." Percy commented with a shy smile. He closed his eyes for a minute then opened them again.

"Why don't we play the muggle game? Truth or dare?" Hermione suggested.

"That sounds fun." Harry grinned.

"I don't know..." Ron muttered."

"Come on Ron," Fred laughed.

"It will be fun!" George finished. Ron and Percy seemed skeptic, but were yanked into the game. After a quick explication of the rules, Harry started off.

"Fred, truth or dare?" Harry asked, witha. Mischievous glint in his eyes. Ginny warily looked at Harry.

"Dare, obviously." Fred huffed.

"I dare you to kiss someone in this circle. Anywhere you'd like, but you have to kiss someone." Harry dared.

"I'm related to half of the people in this circle. No, more than half." Fred reminded.

"That's what makes this a dare. It's embarrassing." Harry snorted jokingly. Fred smirked and turned to George, over-dramatically kissing him on the cheek. Expected.

"Your turn Ginny." Harry sighed.

"Uh... Hermione truth or dare?" Ginny asked curiously.

"Truth." Hermione carefully decided.

"Hmm..." Ginny thought for a second, "you have any guys your interested in? If so who and why?" Ginny joked.

"Well," Hermione thought for a second, "I mean technically I have three? I guess." The other turned to Hermione in slight shock. Everyone thought she was a book nerd. "Ron, Harry, and Draco, though differing reasons. Harry's very kind despite his own circumstances and I could say the same for Ron, and Draco's a challenge, and I love challenges." Hermione admits with a shrug, a slight flush in her cheeks.

"Well, Harry! Truth or dare!" Fred asked.

"Truth?" Harry questioningly answered.

"You like Draco?" He asked.

Ron and Hermione peered at Harry as the boy's face turned red, "well, kinda!" George shifted it to get down to something he actually wanted to know about.

"Percy, truth or dare?" George asked.

"I uh... truth." Percy decided.

"Do you like anyone, if so who, because I'm dying to know!" George commented.

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