Percy x Oliver ~ This Feeling

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A/N: There will be 2 parts to this, just F.Y.I.

And remember a few chapters back when I talked about a homophobic school? Well, this is where it actually comes into play. Though it will be more in part 2 since this is an establishing one shot.


He was........


Clouded in the shield, that no one could get through, walls built high, to protect himself, even from family. He doesn't know why he built those walls, but they were there, stopping anyone from truly getting to know him.

He secluded himself, buried himself in a mountain of books, his studies his most important task....

There wasn't room for anything else.

Not friendship......

Not family........

And love was out of the question.

His name was known, sure, but it's not like his name held weight. He was a nerdy kid, a prefect in Gryffindor, who never went out of his way to make friends.

Percy Weasley, the boy who hides. The boy who can't find the courage to get out there.....

Simply, a boy.

Percy heard his roommate enter their dorm. He glanced at him out of the corner of his eye before continuing with his studies. They had been roommates since their first year, and with the the beginning of their fifth year, they were still distant.

They had other roommates at one point, but it was just the two of them. Oliver always tried to open conversation with Percy, but it always fell flat. Percy was sure that he'd strike a conversation, or attempt to like always.

He was shocked when Oliver completely ignored him and went to bed. Oliver laid on his bed, facing the wall, body shaking a bit. He was....

Trying to calm down?

Percy glanced over and saw that Oliver was holding back tears. He cast a worried look and set his things down.

"Oliver? You okay?" Percy asked. Oliver froze. He probably assumed Percy wouldn't care. "If you're wondering why I'm talking to you, I'm not made of stone. What's wrong?" Percy asked, getting up and moving to Oliver's bed.

"Nothing you need to worry about." Oliver commented sourly. Percy sighed softly, not sure what to do exactly.

"I'm new to the whole, talking to people, so it's not like I know what to say, but I think you'll feel better if you talk about what's bugging you." Percy spoke softly, looking across the room.

"A friend I had..... he's no longer a friend of mine. He called me disgusting and ditched me outside." Oliver spoke softly, trying to keep it together.

"Why? You're a nice guy." Percy furrowed his brows.

"Because I'm gay, and that's apparently disgusting!" Oliver snapped, causing to flinch.

Percy looked at Oliver, and fiddled with his fingers.

"I'm guessing you agree with him?" Oliver spat.

"If I believed that, then by default, I'd find myself disgusting. I find myself disgusting, but for different reasons." Percy sad the last part to himself, but his words got Oliver to sit up and look at him.

"You're gay?" He raised a brow.

Percy shook his head, "no, I'm bisexual, but I lean more towards boys." Percy admitted, looking at Oliver.

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