Ron x Harry ~ Lavender Issues

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Harry sat in his seat, listening to Ron talk about Lavender.

"She only wants to snog me!" Ron exclaimed.

"You need to pick better girls Ron." Harry said.

"Or guy. If I have this much bad luck with girls, I might as well try to date some guys." Ron said.

"Not while you're dating someone Ron." Harry said to his best friend.

"I know that. I don't know how I'm supposed to break up with Lavender if she never lets me speak." Ron groans. Harry laughed.

"That's your fault for dating her." Harry pointed out. The entire train ride, Harry teased Ron about dating Lavender.

"Stop it already." Ron groaned.

"Never going to happen mate." Harry said with a smile.

"I really hate you sometimes Harry." Ron said.

"What? I'm perfect!" Harry said sarcastically.

"Very funny." Ron said, getting s bit angry.

"I try. Anyways, I expect to be the best man at you and Lavender's wedding." Harry teased.

"Shut up!" Ron exclaimed.

"Make me." Harry said. Ron glared at him. As Harry was about to say another comment, Ron grabbed his collar and pressed his lips to Harry's. Harry was taken by surprise. Ron released his best friend and smiled at the flustered boy.

"Now will you stop talking?" Ron questions.

"Did you just kiss me?" Harry said in shock.

"Did it make you shut up?" Ron asked.

"Well, yeah." Harry said. Ron brushed hair out of his eyes.

"Then yes, I did kiss you. So stop teasing me about Lavender and help me find a way to bloody break up with her." Ron said calmly.

"You can't just kiss me and expect me to act normal!" Harry exclaimed.

"How come?" Ron said, wanting to laugh at how red his best friends face is.

"God damn it Ron!" Harry exclaimed before grabbing Ron collar and kissing him. After a few seconds, he released his now flustered friend.

"See! It's not normal for your best friend to just kiss you!" Harry exclaimed.

"I think I now know how to dump Lavender." Ron said as he glanced at Harry.


A/N: I don't really ship this, but upland to explore all the ships in Harry Potter.

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