Draco X Harry ~ Weapon Of Choice (Soul Eater Au)

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A/N: if any of you have read my other stories on here, my 50+ yaoi stories just for you, then you'd figure out I'm a huge flipping Otaku. Over the years, I've imagined countless crossovers with my favorite ships, mostly imagining them at Hogwarts. Now, being who I am, I can tackle putting some of these ships into animes. So, I hope you enjoy the story and recommend what ships you want to see in what anime.

Also, as a side note. Mostly it will just be the characters in that universe. They won't replace the main characters of the show. That would be boring to write and I can't see the entire cast of Harry Potter fitting into specific roles.

Ah! Also, sorry about all the Drarry! It is my favorite ship after all. I'll get to others soon enough, so don't fret!

Also, this story takes place in 1997, the characters are seventeen. I decided to search up some information to write this story, so keep an eye out for an actual true dark past of America(just for atmosphere). And the actually show does not take place during this time, but later on, so also keep that in mind when certain characters are mentioned.

Story doesn't have much about the universe since this is a short one shot. If it was longer, I'd add some action. For now, this is it.

Warning: there's a lot of sexual innuendos.

"How's the souls gathering going?" Ron questioned Harry. The boy only groaned as Draco glared at him.

"It's not my fault that with was actually a cat!" Draco defended.

"That was lord Death's fault for making us believe it was a witch." Harry sighed.

"So, all you 99 souls...."

"Gone, completely gone. We have a grand total of zero now. What about you and Hermione?" Harry questions.

"Well, as you know, Ron doesn't know how to be stealthy, so we have yet to get a single soul." Hermione gritted.

"Hey, at least you don't have the twins!" Ginny proclaimed.

"Oh yeah, who has them again?" Harry muttered.

"I think they wield themselves for now." Draco offered.

"Probably. Don't you normally leave to hang out with your lackeys by now?" Harry snorted. Draco glared.

"Why do you have to be my meister? Of all people, why you?" Draco groaned.

"You were the one that agreed to be my partner day one." Harry reminded. Draco sighed and stood up.

"I'm heading home, it's my turn to cook." Draco left without another word as the four remained.

"What is it like living with Malfoy? Must be annoying." Ginny commented.

"At first. We have a great place in death city, mostly because his father and mine didn't want us living near others. Our mothers didn't care." Harry shrugged.

"No, what's day to dag life like?" Hermione pressed.

"Well, he can't cook all that well and I had to teach him. He sometimes sleep walks and he is a prick a lot, but all in all, I'm glad he's my weapon." Harry admitted.

"He is a pretty cool weapon. Not many people can be multiple weapons. I think Tsubaki was the last person at this school who could do that." Ron comments.

"I'm a sword, not much to it." Hermione complains.

"But you're a pretty epic sword." Ginny praised, nudging Hermione a bit. Hermione shrugged.

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