Percy x Oliver + Lee x Fred ~ Alone Time

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A/N: Request from @Emo_Nightmare

Fucking love this ship.

Also, this is kinda sappy as I made it into a more touching story then the original got and heavy type of story.

The halls were alive with the collective hum of students, all chattering about their day and the latest threat to their lives....

Sirius Black

It kept the halls loud, never once being void. Unfortunately, it made it a lot harder for couples to discreetly do anything since eyes were on everyone at all times. And when a relationship is secret from the entire school......

Things got complicated.

"Why not the dorms? No one else is in there!" Percy exclaimed as they walked.

"The walls may be made of stone, but that doesn't mean they're soundproof." Oliver reminded. Percy blushed heavily.

"We're wizards, we can use a spell." Percy reminded.

"You do realize none of the doors lock?" Oliver retorted. "Also, silencio isn't a good spell to use." He added.

"Obviously. Silencio only silences an object, you would use muffliato, since it would make people outside hear nothing. And no, I didn't realize the doors don't lock. What if someone just walks in our rooms and stands over us as we sleep?" Percy shivered.

Oliver paused, looking at Percy, "I-I don't even want to know. Anyways there's just no good place to snog!"

"Right, we were talking about someplace to snog." Percy nodded softly.

"What did you think we were doing?" Oliver raised a brow at Percy.

Percy faked a cough, "let's just keep looking around." After a couple more minutes, a very rare, amazing idea popped into Oliver's head.

"What about a broom closet? No one ever uses them for anything." He suggested.

"That's actually not a bad idea." Percy paused, a small smirk playing on his lips, "I mean, for once."

"Percy, I know I'm an idiot, stop taking jabs at me, let me have this," Oliver complained.

"Alright, alright, you know I'm only kidding." The pair laughed a bit as they began their hunt for a broom closet. It was, annoyingly hard since the castle was constantly shifting and a lot of students had the same idea.

Finally, they seemed to have found one that they couldn't hear noises from. They snuck in and Percy was pressed against the door. Oliver was about to kiss him when Percy stopped him, staring open mouthed at the sight in front of him.

Lee Jordan and his brother, his own little brother Fred, we're making out. Lee was clinging desperately to Fred, out of breath, panting, sweat rolling down the dark skin. Their shirts were unbuttoned, Fred's tie was hung upon a little knob of sorts in the brick wall precariously, like it had been thrown there. Lee's right leg was held in the air by his thigh by Fred. An attempt to bring their bodies closer.

Percy coughed, Oliver seeing the same sight. It was awkward on all accounts, especially when Fred finally noticed Oliver and Percy. Fred flung apart from Lee, a red flush on his face. It was hard to tell if it was lust from the intense snogging, or of it was out of embarrassment of being caught.

Lee was obviously disheveled, and tried his best to fix his appearance. He threw his shirt back on pretty quickly.

"This is well, awkward." Oliver commented softly.

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