Harry Potter ~ Pokémon!

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A/N: what? I like Pokémon, okay? Besides, let's be honest, it would be funny seeing British Pokémon trainers. Trade that wand for a Pokéball and let's get into it!

P.s. Harry and everyone else will be 11 or whatever age they were in the 1st book! So, don't get any weird thoughts, okay?


"It's been awhile since we lived in Lavander Town, hasn't it?" James chuckled as he unloaded some boxes off the truck.

"We used to live here?" Harry asked as he attempted to help his dad.

"Of course Harry, you were born here after all." Lily laughed. Harry smiled at his parents.

"That's cool." The three of them entered their new home. Harry bounded ahead and towards his new room. Besides the boxes, it was amazing! He had a bigger bed and his window faced the nearby forest where he could see Pokémon relaxing. His parents bribed him with a Wii U for moving and a giant tv. He was truly spoiled.

"Harry!" Harry heard his mother's voice and headed back downstairs.

"Someone's here to see you. Came to introduce himself." Lily informed.

"A new friend already?" Harry giddily ran to the door, seeing a platinum haired boy standing there. He was wearing a green sweater and jeans, and looked Harry's age.

"Hi, I'm Harry, nice to meet you." Harry grinned. The boy smiled back.

"I'm Draco. The professor told me someone new moved into town and I had to come see for myself!" Draco admitted.

"Professor?" Harry questioned, eyebrows furrowed.

"Oh, right, Proffesor Dumbledore! He gives everyone Pokémon to start their journey." Draco informed.

"Mom! Dad! I'm heading out, I'll be back soon!" Harry shouted into the house.

"Have fun! Be back before dark!" James shouted.

"Don't let the bug Pokémon bite." Lily joked. Harry and Draco headed out and towards the professors' house. Draco knocked when they arrived.

"Huh? He's not here." Draco grumbled.

"He went out researching again." A new voice informed.

"Granger! Tell me that before!" Draco complained.

"You must be the new kid in town. I'm Hermione. My parents live in another region, so the professor is looking after me." She grinned.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Harry! Come on, let's go find the professor." Harry exclaimed.

"You're quite excitable, aren't you?" Hermione laughed.

"My mum says I get it from my dad." Harry laughed. The three ran just outside of town. They saw a bag with three pokéballs spilling out and the Professor seemed to be dealing with a wild Pokémon.

"Professor!" Hermione shouted.

"One of you, will you grab a Pokémon and help me out?" Dumbledore asked, not looking to troubled despite the situation. Harry rushed forward and grabbed a random Pokémon. He opened it and out popped a Torchic.

"Torchic! Use ember!" The Pokémon used the move and they scared off the Pokémon. The other two rushed to Dumbledore.

"Are you okay professor?" Draco asked.

"Of course I am. You must be the new boy in town, thank you for your help, that was quite brave of you." Dumbledore smiled.

"Why wouldn't I help? I'm Harry." Harry introduced.

"Nice to meet you. It looks like that Torchic is fond of you, why don't you keep it?" Dumbledore suggests as the fire Pokémon chirped happily at Harry.

"I can?" Harry asked, shocked.

"Why of course." Dumbledore nodded. Harry picked up the Pokémon.

"How would you like to be my friend?" Harry asked the Torchic. The Pokémon let out a happy chirp.

"Well it's decided then. Why don't you give her a nickname?" Dumbledore suggested.

"Hmm. Hedwig!" Harry proclaimed.

"No fair, I want a Pokémon! Hermione already has a pikachu!" Draco complained.

"Then why don't you pick from the other two Pokémon?" Dumbledore suggested.

"I will!" Draco looked at the remaining Pokémon. He picked up on of them and let the Pokémon out. A Mudkip spring out and greeted them.

"I choose this one!" Draco exclaimed happily.

"Then that leaves Treecko for Ron." Hermione sighed.

"Well, this just means that all your adventures as a Pokémon trainer have just begun."


A/N: I know, it's short, it's supposed to be.  I like it, makes me nostalgic, remembering my first Pokémon game. Anyways, see you guys in the next one shot! Love ya!

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