Draco x Harry ~ What You Do To Me

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A/N: What? It's Drarry, what did you expect, especially during pride month? Anyways!


The day was like any other, calm with an unsettling feeling surrounding it. Harry sat at his table, rolling his shoulders a bit, his muscles sore from Quidditch practice the day before.

"You need to take a break Harry, you're going to hurt yourself if you keep up this." Hermione scolded.

"Best way to vent feelings. Can't be yelling at everyone that frustrates me." Harry commented.

"Harry, Hermione's right, if you keep this up, we won't have a Seeker for the next game. Take a break." Ron agreed.

"You two know why I'm doing this. If I stop, I'm just going to burst and I can't have that." Harry scratched the back of his neck.

"Oh, what's eating at you Potter?" An all too familiar voice snickered. Harry clenched his fists.

"I'm going to go practice again while the pitch is still open." Harry dashed off and Hermione and Ron couldn't do anything but helplessly stare after him.

"Malfoy, I only you could pull your head out of your arse long enough to see that he's going through a tough time. The world is against him, how would that make you feel." The pair got up and rushed after him. Draco paused, thinking about what they said.

"They're kidding right, the world is already against me." Draco scoffed softly, heading to his table.

Harry leaned against the cold brick, muscle dripping with sweat, his body too Sore for him to move. He was in pain. Ron and Hermione wouldn't be able to find him. He slid down the wall, struggling to stay awake, regretting that he didn't listen, but it was too late. He made his bed, now he had to lie in it.

He sat against the wall gasping. What was he to do now? It was getting late, and he'd miss curfew, but he couldn't move. He almost felt like crying, the pain was too much. day after day doing the same thing until he couldn't feel anything. All because of what? Because he was afraid to admit that he fell in love with his enemy. Draco Malfoy. His friends knew, he had to tell them, but they couldn't stop his suffering.

Harry closed his eyes, finding it hard to keep them open, it's not like this would kill him, but what lurks in the night could be his end.

"Potter? You're a me- Merlin, are you able to move?" Harry's eyes were still closed, but he recognized Draco's voice.

"You care?" Harry coughed out.

"We need to get you to the medical wing." Draco heaved Harry over him, forcing Harry to walk with Draco's support. "Whatever got you like this, it's not healthy. There's no joy in defeating an enemy when he's down." Draco commented softly.

"So you still see me as an enemy? This year gets worse and worse." Harry mumbles. Draco nearly slapped Harry, but got him all the way to the medical wing.

"Oh dear, what terrible conditions, he'll have to stay overnight. Thank you Malfoy for bringing him." Madame Pomfrey smiled at Draco.

"Don't mention it. Seriously, don't mention this to anyone, even him." Draco asked.

"Why would you want that?@ she retaliated.

"Why? Well, were enemies, and I think he'd be happier if this never happened." Draco left without another word.

"What a strange boy. We'll he's still getting fifty points for his house." Madame Pomfrey smiled softly.

"Harry, I heard you ended up in the medical wing last night, we told you not to push yourself." Hermione chided.

"I barely remember last night. I just remember someone helped me." Harry softly informed.

Hermione pondered, "they have to be from Slytherin then because that house just earned fifty points and no one knows why." She nodded. Then it clicked in Harry's head as he looked over at the table. He noticed Draco was missing and then he noticed he was about to enter the hall.

"Let me go thank them." Harry got up and as soon as Draco walked in, Harry grabbed his arm and yanked him out, to the shock of quite a few people.

"Draco brought him to the medical wing?" Ron questioned under his breath.

Hermione only whispered back, "from Harry's reaction, yes."

"Draco, when I was basically passed out, did you bring me to the medical wing?" Harry asked,  knowing the answer already.

"Obviously. Why do you want to know?" Draco spat.

"Don't you...," Harry thought carefully, "hate me?" Draco slapped him.

"Does the world revolve around you!" Draco shouted, people from the great hall managing to catch their conversation now that Draco was yelling. "So what if you're the boy who lived? That doesn't mean anything if you can't stop thinking about yourself! Sure, you're being oppressed this year that sucks seas, but try doing it an entire lifetime, not just from your family, but your peers, your house, everyone, simply because of a name?" Draco shouted.

"That's what's happening to me! I've always been like that!" Harry shouted back. The pair silenced.

"I'm going to my table..." Draco went to leave but Harry grabbed his hand.

"Mal-Draco, follow me." Harry sighed. Draco nodded and the pair left. The great hall wasn't sure what to say, not sure why they were yelling in the first place, but feeling a sour taste afterwards.

"What is it now po-Harry." The two both decided to use their actual names.

"We're so much alike, yet we act like we're different. I was supposed to end up in Slytherin as well, but because I was sure there was a clear divide between me and that house, I asked to be in any other house." Harry admitted.

"You? A Slytherin? No, I can see it." Draco shrugged.

"My point is, for the past for years, we've been trying to find the differences we have, rather than similarities. It's been driving the both of us to insanity." Harry sighed.

"No," Draco nodded, "I agree."

"Well, time to just lay it out, I have a crush on you." Harry spoke slowly.

"Cool, I've liked you since the begging of Hogwarts, it was obvious." Draco smiled.

"Should we date then?" Harry asked.

"Let's go on a date first before we declare we're dating.

"Oh what you do to me." Harry smirked


A/N: just another short and sweet  one shot hope you enjoyed! Good night! Love you!

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