Draco X Hermione ~ A Year To Make Ammends

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A/N: so, still don't like this ship much, it's my own opinion, but my piano teacher, who is absolutely amazing and eccentric at times, loves this ship, so I kinda dedicate this to her. For all you Dramione shippers out there, here's some a one shot for your ship.

This was also inspired by an idea that she put in my head. Draco and Hermione were confirmed to reparations seventh year because they missed it, so yeah.

The school was still in ruins when they returned, but the magic held everything together. There was currently no headmaster, but for now, it seemed fine. Draco and Hermione decided to repeat the year while many others, Including Ron and Harry, took positions in the ministry.

"Granger!" Hermione stopped in her tracks and turned around, letting Ginny run on ahead.

"Malfoy." Hermione got out.

"I didn't realize you were repeating the year too." Draco commented.

"Well, I can't become minister for magic by not putting my effort in. I'm really surprised you're here Draco, thought you would've joined the others." Hermione inferred.

"There's a lot of healing Slytherin has to go through. I thought I'd make up for my father's misdeeds." Draco admitted.

"I never thanked you for lying about who we are last year. I thought you'd rat us out in all honesty." Hermione blurted.

"I knew what we were doing was wrong. Besides, I had to make up for all those years of hurting you somehow. I really apologize for what I did. Looking back..... I really do pity the me back then." Draco gave a disgusted look.

"You've changed a lot Draco." Hermione smiled sweetly at him.

"Well, I made bad choices to begin with. I know that you and wease- Wesley, are together, but would you like to go get some butter beer together sometime?" Draco asked, prepared for rejection.

"Ron and I aren't together Malfoy. It's really hard to stand him sometimes. Besides, I love to. You are one of the brightest in our years." Hermione smiled brightly.

"And you're the brightest." Draco complimented.

"That's sweet. I'm no Ravenclaw, though." Hermione laughed softly.

"You're definitely smarter than most of them, if not all of them." Hermione blushed a little at that.

"I should go catch up with Ginny." Hermione rushed out, starting to head off before she paused.

"Draco, I have a question." Draco looked at her, shocked that she used his first name.

"What is it?" He worriedly answered.

"Was the reason that you picked on my all those years, said all those crude and disgusting things, because you had a crush on me?" She asked. Draco went against his character and blushed.

"Well, I-I- wouldn't say...- Yes." He admitted. Hermione smiled with flushed cheeks.

"If only you knew then how to express yourself  properly, thins could've gone a lot differently." Hermione kissed his cheek.  "I really do have to catch up to Ginny, but I'll see out in potions later." Hermione giggled and ran off, leaving Draco to stand there with an idiotic blush.

"You look like you've seen some nargles." Luna Lovegood said from nowhere. Draco didn't even have the energy to push her away.

"Nope, the only thing I've seen is a wonderful women who deserves so much more than me." Draco smiled.

"Well, if it's anything, I think you two were meant to be. I'm her friend too, so you better treat her right." Luna smiled and put on her red and blue glasses, skipping off with an upside down magazine in hand. Draco leaned against the wall.

"This school is filled with crazy people...." he smiled, "But I kinda like it."


A/N: sorry it's short, I just couldn't see it going on very long. It's also hard for me to right for this ship. Still I like how sweet it is. I'll be posting when I can, love you guys!

Still 2 in the fucking morning.

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