Draco x Harry ~ Rainy Day On The Train (Au)

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A/N: first off, I'm back! Yay! Sorry for keeping all you wonderful potterheads waiting. Anyways, you saw the title right. I'm going to start doing Au's! Exciting right? Anyways, I hope you enjoy.


"Damn it." Harry muttered under his breath as he reached the train.

"You got here just in time sir. We were about to take off." The man collecting tickets said. Harry nodded and handed the man his ticket. He got onto the train and looked for a seat.

Just his luck, there was only one left. Figures. He wakes up late and now he has to pay for it. He walks slowly towards the open seat and sits down.

"Got here late huh?" A male voices boomed beside him. Startled, Harry turns to look at the man. To say he was attractive was an understatement. He had cold Grey eyes, that were turning into a piercing Mercury. He had platinum blond hair that was ruffled and messy. His skin was pale, like he had never seen sunlight.

"Yeah. Alarm went of late. I'm Harry." Harry introduced himself, holding out his hand.

"Draco." The man smiled, grasping Harry's hand and shaking it.

"Nice to meet you." Harry smiled wider.

"You too Scarhead." Draco said with a smirk. Harry rolled his eyes.

"How original grey eyes." Harry sighed, both of them starting to chuckle.

"So, how'd you get that scar?" Draco questions, then realizing it might be personal tries to brush the question away. "If that's a personal question, you don't have to answer." Draco stuttered embarrassingly.

"No, it's okay. I was in a car crash when I was one. It took away my parents. I've been raised by my aunt and uncle." Harry shrugs like it was nothing. "What's your family like?" Harry asks.

"Stuck up, snotty, rich people. I love them, but they are extremely annoying. My mother is really kind though." Draco smiles.

"How long is the trip again?" Harry questions.

"About 8-9 hours." Draco responds.

"Okay. I'm going to get some sleep." Harry says, settling his his seat and closing his eyes.

"You do that." Draco chuckles. Harry crosses his arms and drifts off the the sound of the engine screaming.

(7 hours later)

Harry's eyes cracked open. As he came to, he felt his head resting on something. He lifted his head to see that he had his head rested on Draco's shoulder and that Draco fell asleep leaning on him.

"Draco." Harry whispered, not really wanting to wake Draco. He looked adorable when he slept, yes, he said adorable. Harry ran his hand through his wild raven hair and adjusted his glasses that he forgot to take off.

"Hmm." Draco hummed. The silent patter of the rain hitting the train's windows, making Harry feel drowsy all over agin.

"Never mind, go back to sleep." Harry smiled softly.

"Wake me when the train ride is over." Draco yawned.

"I will." Harry promised. Draco nodded back into slumber, still leaning on Harry.

"Would you like anything to eat." A woman asked quietly, walking by each compartment with food. Chips, fruits, veggies, ice cream, etc.

"Um, yeah. Can I have something to drink and maybe a chocolate pastry?" Harry questions.

"No problem sir." The woman smiles, giving him a bottle of water and a chocolate pastry. Harry paid her and she kept going. And as Harry listened to the sweet patter of rain, he nibbled on his pastry, well, that was before he broke it in half, hoping to save some for Draco.

"Do I smell chocolate?" Draco questions, waking up from his sleep.

"Yup. Here you go." Harry handed Draco the other half of the pastry he was eating.

"Thanks." Draco smiles.

"No problem." Harry smiled back.

"The train will be at the station in 10 minutes." A voice boomed from the speakers overhead.

"That's to bad. I enjoyed sitting by you." Draco said softly.

"Here, hand my your phone." Harry demands and deco passes his phone over, watching Harry put his number in it. "There." Harry said proudly.

"Now you hand me your phone." Harry gave his phone to Draco, and the man put his number in the phone. It was a mystery the two could get along so well, for having known each other for. About 9 hours. And they were asleep most of that time.

"Hey, has anyone told you that you are devishly handsome?" Harry questions, thinking this hunk would get that all the time.

"No, you would be the first." Draco shrugged.

"That's impossible. I bet tons of girls fall for you." Harry smiles.

"If I tried, I guess. But I don't swing that way." Draco says, then his eyes widening as he realized exactly what he said.

"Don't worry, I'm not exactly straight either." Harry chuckles. "I guess you could say, I play for both teams." Harry smiled, glancing at his feet and laughing quietly at his own silly joke.

"Well then. I think we should get to know each other better Harry. You seem like an interesting person to know." Draco comments.

"So do you." The train pulls to a stop and the two grab their stuff, getting off the train.

"So, what are you doing in France?" Draco questions.

"Visiting friends. You?" Harry replies.

"Visiting family. I really wish there was a faster way to get here." Draco sighs.

"Makes you wish magic was real, huh?" Harry smiled, shaking his head at the silly thought of magic. As they were met with the rainy weather of France, Harry pulled out his umbrella and invited Draco underneath.

"What a gentleman." Draco joked.

"Well, I try." Harry jokes back. The two laugh loudly, making their way to a small cafe, to talk and drink coffee before going to their destinations.


A/N: so, what do you think of my first ever Au?

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